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Dressdown days in the workplace – who has views on them?

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I've never seen the point of dress down Fridays.


It's simple really...


If a certain style or uniform is really necessary, for whatever reason, then it is necessary. So it is not acceptable to work in mufti.


Conversely, if casual attire is acceptable on Fridays, then clearly the "uniform" was never really necessary in the first place. So what was the point of insisting on it.


That's a great point.


The office I used to work at had a dress code, which some of the managers went to great lengths to enforce. They got themselves tied up in knots trying to work out what constituted suitable workwear and how to define it in policy (what is, and what isn't a flipflop?). They'd think they'd got it right, then someone would turn up in culottes and they'd hyperventilate and have to have a meeting to work out how to deal with it.


All the more ridiculous when they had a dress down Friday, when no-one gave a stuff what you wore anyway.


Where I work now, there's no code as such. And guess what? Some prefer to be suited and booted, others are more casual, but 99% of them dress entirely appropriately for the job they do. The other 1% would get it wrong whether theres a dress code or not!

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You do not work in an office in an admin role.


Alan, what you on about? Got it threw one of them agencys near the big church thing in town.


---------- Post added 03-05-2018 at 20:55 ----------


That's a great point.


The office I used to work at had a dress code, which some of the managers went to great lengths to enforce. They got themselves tied up in knots trying to work out what constituted suitable workwear and how to define it in policy (what is, and what isn't a flipflop?). They'd think they'd got it right, then someone would turn up in culottes and they'd hyperventilate and have to have a meeting to work out how to deal with it.


All the more ridiculous when they had a dress down Friday, when no-one gave a stuff what you wore anyway.


Where I work now, there's no code as such. And guess what? Some prefer to be suited and booted, others are more casual, but 99% of them dress entirely appropriately for the job they do. The other 1% would get it wrong whether theres a dress code or not!


Some really crucial points here Oliver.


To be honest, I'm more of a sans-culottes kinda guy but each to his own isn't it. The fact that some people reckon it's OK to wear the flip flop foot-where makes me just realise that there is no more common decency in Sheffield workplaces no more. This makes me sad.

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Hiya. I got a new temp job of recent working in a office in the city centre doing typing and filing etc. I do letters to people about there insurance and boring stuff like that. Anyway, there’s this thing they do at my workplace and it just seems weird to me. They do these ‘dressdown days’ where everyone is free to come to work in civilian attire, if you see what I mean. People come every Friday in scruffy jeans and even t-shirts with slogans emblazoned on them! One gentleman even wears a based ball cap!! It just makes me think are there no standards of decency anymore in modern British workplaces? I was brought up to expect people to do there best and that includes ‘looking the part’ when working in offices.


Sounds like school on the last day before breakup. Why don't they just grow up and get on with the job in hand.

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