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Foxhunting? What sort of lunatics enjoy it?

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Sometimes shooitng is effective if you know where the fox hunts.


If you've never met a farmer who cares about his lambs, you've never met a sheep farmer.


Noticed how they get uptight about their sheep being stressed at lambing time? How they shoot dogs that are loose in the sheep fields, especially come lambing season?

around here we have many sheep and cattle farms, but most people also keep their dogs in check, as we appreciate that the sheep etc. are a commodity for the farmer. I also realise that in many ways we are guests on the farmers land.

One thing always sticks out in my mind though, years ago, in my caving days, we were doing Jack Pot. The weather was very much like it is today.

On our way back to the farm (2/6d parking and a cup of char) we came across a sheep collappsed and gasping its last.

We told the farmer about this and he said 'its only a sheep so what'

He did not seem too concerned

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around here we have many sheep and cattle farms, but most people also keep their dogs in check, as we appreciate that the sheep etc. are a commodity for the farmer. I also realise that in many ways we are guests on the farmers land.

One thing always sticks out in my mind though, years ago, in my caving days, we were doing Jack Pot. The weather was very much like it is today.

On our way back to the farm (2/6d parking and a cup of char) we came across a sheep collappsed and gasping its last.

We told the farmer about this and he said 'its only a sheep so what'

He did not seem too concerned

Some don't - and it does vary from farmer to farmer.


Good cave Jackpot - also known as P8, as I recall.

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Some don't - and it does vary from farmer to farmer.


Good cave Jackpot - also known as P8, as I recall.

brilliant cave I understand it has been pushed further these days, we always believed it would link up with caves further down.

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Really caring farmers who want to keep their ickle lambs protected from nasty Mr Fox so they can sell them for slaughter. Animal husbandry, don't make me laugh.


Max are you against rat killing?


you're either a veggie or thick

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make money to feed your family is very different to capitalism


Making money is Capitalism.



foxes eat and take only 10% of what they kill


Why have you lived with them.



and its evident you've never been to the countryside!


Lots of time my friend.



wrong assumption that i'm pro-hunting. I'd never hunt and i disagree with many of the rituals that i'm sure little you don't even know about. If you want to have a good argument against hunting i suggest you find out about them. I have a major problem with people who live in cities and think poor fox, torn to death.


Didn't you claim to have shot 2 foxes recently, in my mind i'd say thats hunting.



and this bit just demonstrates the problem with free speech. Thats right, when masses of people form a view on completely the wrong facts. Thats right, your cute fox who just wants to feed her little family of fox cubs, does not just kill one chicken and take one to her cubs.....no no. Fox will kill as many as she can find, up to hundreds and just eat/take one or two.


Oh my God!!! So anyone who wishes to say something you don't like shouldn't be allowed. Well bring on "1984"




The last bit of your post disapoints me as I would never want to take your "Freedom of Speech" away even though I disagree with it. Your point is heading to dangerous ground. I feel you should have the right to have your say but I just don't agree with your views on Fox Hunting same as you don't agree with mine. Neither of us wrong but we should be allowed to say our peace should we not?

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It's ironic that a lot of the arguments both pro and con foxhunting can be applied here to the annual seal cull in Canada. The difference being that the seals don't get hunted by dogs and people on horseback.

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It's ironic that a lot of the arguments both pro and con foxhunting can be applied here to the annual seal cull in Canada. The difference being that the seals don't get hunted by dogs and people on horseback.


It's all madness and the only way I can see it as beneficial is the day they say right lets have a cull for humans too. The planet is so over populated by humans yet we keep breeding.

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It's all madness and the only way I can see it as beneficial is the day they say right lets have a cull for humans too. The planet is so over populated by humans yet we keep breeding.

There'd be a real boom sale on African safaris . . . . . . . . . .

(Bye, getting my coat)

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