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Foxhunting? What sort of lunatics enjoy it?

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My goodness - do you object to people eating? I've come across some sad views, but please.


Yes it is a sad view as animal husbandry is a sad necessity. However, I feel that you are deliberately missing the point. That being that farmers no more 'care' for their animals than miners 'care' for the coal they dig nor financiers 'care' for the money they manipulate. Animals, coal and money are all economic means to an end for those whose livelihood rely on them.


If we didn't eat meat we wouldn't exist, whatever the loony vegan types might think.


Oh dear, that really is a silly, or rather loony, statement. There are millions throughout the world who exist without meat.

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only semi ones, they arent made for full on carnivore action


I know;). They're designed for omnivorous actions (ie anything & everything - just like the rest of the primates:)).

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Oh dear, that really is a silly, or rather loony, statement..


No it's not...


There are millions throughout the world who exist without meat.


Now, maybe. However, without us eating meat (on a regular basis) in our deep, dim ancestral past, we (as a species) would have died pretty rapidly.

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Oh dear, that really is a silly, or rather loony, statement. There are millions throughout the world who exist without meat.

Yes - now. But without having meat available as the most energy-rich part of our diet over the history of our development, we wouldn't be here. I guess we're both capable of missing the point.

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It's fact that the entire evolution of humankind stems from being trained killers for meat consumation.


If our ancestors were exclusively veggies thousands of years ago, like some are now, we'd be on the same evolutionary scale in 2006 as livestock, camels and giraffes.

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as i said before


yes we saw something and killed it

we had neither the technology or the thought process to do anything else


but weve evolved a tad since............except fartfirst obviously, hes still living in cavemen times, hitting his wimin over the head with a club for romance :)


now we can make plenty of other types of food to survive with more vitimins and minerals etc than meat, which we can survive on

also substitutes that are healthier than meat

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Well, it's like Robin Hood airport refused to fly livestock abroad.


No doubt they were in fear that their staff would be subjected to horrific terrorism by animals masquerading as humans, like a bestiality lovers convention... so loved in Norfolk, probably.


Never mind live exports was a multi-billion industry before the ban and it helps keep the trade gap down, helps farmers living on a pittance with only their tender love for the land to keep them going. More importantly local farmers, presumably, as they were going to be flying from S Yorks.


Never mind the suffering caused to animals during live exports. You forgot to add that.

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Never mind the suffering caused to animals during live exports. You forgot to add that.


The suffering? live exported livestock get more room than humans do on aeroplanes, by road as well.


It doesn't take away, either, the fact that the UK gives live exports a much more pleasant ride than any other nation.


Like many things, all it's done is prolonged the suffering for the livestock you so love which will be imported from nations that don't give a damn to those nations that would have ordered from the UK.


Just like your ilk are responsible for terrorising human life-saving drug companies out the UK, to nations that do animal rights testing with no responsibility, along with the billions that is taken out of the economy.

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Just like your ilk are responsible for terrorising human life-saving drug companies out the UK, to nations that do animal rights testing with no responsibility, along with the billions that is taken out of the economy.


That is such a blatant lie. You appear to think that anyone who is against fox hunting or live animal exports is a terrorist. I have never terrorised any "human life-saving drug companies", and I have never terrorised any vivisection site either.

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