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Foxhunting? What sort of lunatics enjoy it?

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its just the "spot" and "pleasure" part of killing that I find distasteful.


I'd hardly call it a "sport". The fox is at a massive disadvantage from the start.


It's like having a game of football game with 11 players on one side, and two on the other:|

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I'd hardly call it a "sport". The fox is at a massive disadvantage from the start.


It's like having a game of football game with 11 players on one side, and two on the other:|


and tiring em out before you start




and ripping em apart afterwards, and smearing your face with their blood

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and tiring em out before you start




and ripping em apart afterwards, and smearing your face with their blood


But if you stop the ripping apart and smearing with blood elements then will 250,000 people lose their jobs and thousands of innocent footballers have to be destroyed, or can you just play football without the bloody bits instead?

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Shame on all those terrorists who wrote to the Star condemning those sportsmen who killed a cat in their oven in Barnsley a few months ago! :mad:

For goodness' sake, an isolated incident of cruelty - how does that compare to digging up an old lady's remains? Or sending letter bombs?


If the local hunt's main activitues were focused on sending letter bombs and attempting to blackmail animal lovers, fair enough. If all they do is kill the odd pest animal, I'd suggest that the do gooders should just fv@k off and mind their own business.

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For goodness' sake, an isolated incident of cruelty - how does that compare to digging up an old lady's remains? Or sending letter bombs?


Most people don't compare being opposed to fox-hunting to digging up old lady's remains or sending letter bombs. Who on this thread has supported either of those actions? Only a complete ignoramous would seriously think that the majority of the public who were in favour of banning fox-hunting were also in favour of digging up old ladies and sending letter bombs.


One of your problems appears to be that you are incapable of disagreeing with other people without grossly distorting the truth about them.

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