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Foxhunting? What sort of lunatics enjoy it?

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Borat - Every Englishman must have a hobby. Some like to collect the stamp. Some like to make the jam. But the most fun is to kill a little animal with a shotgun or rip him up with a wild dog. This is why I come to the countryside to find out about English hobbies.

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Thats exactly the point nick2, Its not the fact that people, privaledged or not, go chasing around the countryside its the fact that the purpose is to chase and kill that makes it a dispicable passtime.


For those that say its human nature to hunt. I was under the impression that our ancestors would hunt for food... does the fox get put in a pie at the end of the day? Didn't our ancestors hunt with spears not dogs?


Foxes are vermin, they are vicous killers and their purpose for this is survival not entertainment.


Litotes, You say hunting them is natural selection and imply that its the best way of controlling numbers... but you also say only 1 in 12 hunts leads to a kill. I agree it may be necessary to cull the fox population, they are, as I have said, vermin and do not deserve the cuddly image many give them but to chase any living creature for miles, terrifing them is not the best way to do it and IMO is totally inhumane and barbaric.


Finally, Hunt protesters... I have as little time for you as I do fox hunters as quite a few of you use anti-hunt protests as an excuse for violence and that is just as uncivilised as fox hunting.

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Does anyone on here eat chicken?


Most chicken we eat are battery farmed, what sort of life’s and deaths do these poor birds have?


I think killing a fox for sport is terrible but at least that fox has had a free life before its nasty death, those poor chickens haven’t!


I don’t see how we can ban fox hunting when IMO there are some much more barbaric things done to animals to save us all a few £££ off our food bills!




Indeed. I would like to an end to both hunting and factory farming.

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Near where I live there used to be a 'foot pack' of hounds that met outside a local pub and went fox hunting. This is well before my time though. I've seen a picture of them gathered outside the pub before setting off on a day's hunting.


I suppose people that used to hunt got some sort of pleasure from the hunt (and rather less from the kill I suspect) and local farmers welcomed the hunts onto their land because foxes are a real pest to certain farmers.

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Maybe the same "type" that complain about hunting but have a murderous cat that kills hundreds of defenceless animals a year. Then claim that thats just what cats do???


If you want to start saving animals lives and stop cruelty and meaningless torture I think you would be better off banning cats.

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I'd love to ban cats but for some reason there are people who like them.


There are so many Dogs in need of good loving homes and yet some people choose cats... maybe they're just to lazy to look after a Dog :D

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we were given brains and humanity so we can choose what to do. personally, if I see any living creature in distress. I will help it.


I'm also a vegitarian, I believe if you want to eat an animal - kill it yourself, humanely!

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