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Foxhunting? What sort of lunatics enjoy it?

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Does anyone on here eat chicken?


Most chicken we eat are battery farmed, what sort of life’s and deaths do these poor birds have?


I think killing a fox for sport is terrible but at least that fox has had a free life before its nasty death, those poor chickens haven’t!


I don’t see how we can ban fox hunting when IMO there are some much more barbaric things done to animals to save us all a few £££ off our food bills!



i agree its cruel and should be stopped...but you can't justify foxhunting because of other cruelty...it all needs stopping...about four years ago i was walking along wharncliffe crags were on foot chasing a fox with dogs..following on were about 50 people many of them old and with walking sticks ...yet all had managed the steep uphill climb to get to the crags to see their glorious "sport"..these are almost certainly the same ******** who the disabled bays were meant for at the b&q...i see them moaning at others for parking in their while carrying ironing boards and similar heavt stuff to their cars...if they were so badly disabled they wouldnt be shopping in a diy store...parasites!!!!
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Anybody who lives in the countryside will realise it is actually doing good. Farmers can get ruined by foxes destroying their livestock. They are disease ridden pests, there are too many of them and most fox hunters kill the foxes straight away, not putting them through painful deaths or anything like that.

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Just a shame so much time was wasted in Parliament because of vindictive, jealous socialists. Labour's Britain is going down the pan for humans but vermin were considered ahead of human life. Typical of the left. Remember seeing Tony Benn as smug as can be on BBC Parliament during the debate, displaying his hatred of hard working country folk, their livelihood and their traditions.


I suppose that the Tory MP Anne Widdecombe was also one of these "vindictive, jealous socialists"? After all, along with other Tory and Lib-Dem MPs, she too voted in favour of banning hunting with dogs.


Please do remember that the 1997 Labour Party manifesto didn't promise to ban fox-hunting. The 1997 manifesto stated "We will ensure greater protection for wildlife. We have advocated new measures to promote animal welfare, including a free vote in Parliament on whether hunting with hounds should be banned." A free vote is what Parliament had - and MPs voted according to their conscience, and not according to party allegiance or whip; so your argument that it was the decision of "vindictive, jealous socialists" simply doesn't stand up to scrutiny.

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Anybody who lives in the countryside will realise it is actually doing good. Farmers can get ruined by foxes destroying their livestock. They are disease ridden pests, there are too many of them and most fox hunters kill the foxes straight away, not putting them through painful deaths or anything like that.


Farmers can't get ruined, their profits may be a little less to the point they may have around £500 less this year BUT aye who cares about the lives of a dozen or more foxes???:help:

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Who does foxhunting?


Toffs who don't respect life and have so much money they are bored. I believe if they could hunt peasants/working class then they'd settle for that.

The common misconception of classes that are transfixed by political envy.


Foxhunting is undertaken by working country people - just because they wear hunting jackets and ride a horse doesn’t make them 'toffs'.


Only town-dwellers who've no idea whatsoever about how the countryside works have this sort of attitude.

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The common misconception of classes that are transfixed by political envy.


Foxhunting is undertaken by working country people - just because they wear hunting jackets and ride a horse doesn’t make them 'toffs'.


Only town-dwellers who've no idea whatsoever about how the countryside works have this sort of attitude.


Believe me I know how all classes work, i've studied it and i've lived in the countryside to know how it works, the Toffs love to chase and kill foxes it gives them a power thrill full stop!!!

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think they should do post mortems on their brains when they die to see where nature went wrong :loopy:

So says the person who has yet to be introduced to punctuation :roll:


The only fox hunters I have ever met have been intelligent and sensible people.


The lunatics I've met, on the other hand..... ;)

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Believe me I know how all classes work, i've studied it and i've lived in the countryside to know how it works, the Toffs love to chase and kill foxes it gives them a power thrill full stop!!!

Power thrill? You claim to have lived 'in the countryside' but clearly have not exchanged and interacted with the people who continue to live there.

If you had, you would know that very, very few of the members of a hunt could even laughably be described as 'toffs'. Your views are naive.


The hunt is a social gathering, it is a means to control pests, and it is part of the culture of our country communities.

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