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Kurds are not wanted in Northern Syria

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It seems as though our major allies in the fight against Isis or Daesh who are the Kurdish YPG Fighters have now been abandoned by the West inc Britain ,France and America .

This has been brought about because Turkey and its dictator Erdogan have decided that the Kurds are not wanted in Northern Syria and have decided to wipe them out by bombing and attacking their Towns and enclaves.


Turkey our so called allies are along with Russia and Iran are systematically wiping this proud people out while once again we and our allies stand by and watch.

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its a mess, everybodys friends and enemies with everybody else, everybodys out to get others "friends", its like westworld in real life, everybody acting out their worst excesses in the name of peace and democracy

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Turkey our so called allies are along with Russia and Iran are systematically wiping this proud people out while once again we and our allies stand by and watch.


The Turks have been wiping out the Kurds for decades.


The West turned a blind eye to Turk massacre of Kurds since the early 1990s, when we needed support of the Turks against Saddam the first time around. Back then, the Turks were using American F-16 fighter jets and American Sikorsky UH-60 Blackhawks to kill the Kurds.


The Turks killing the Kurds started well before “dictator” Erdogan was democratically elected by the Turks.


Why are you only bringing this up now?


In 2018?


Perhaps you should instead ask why have the West been ignoring and avoiding this issue for nearly 30 years?

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The Turks have been wiping out the Kurds for decades.


The West turned a blind eye to Turk massacre of Kurds since the early 1990s, when we needed support of the Turks against Saddam the first time around. Back then, the Turks were using American F-16 fighter jets and American Sikorsky UH-60 Blackhawks to kill the Kurds.


The Turks killing the Kurds started well before “dictator” Erdogan was democratically elected by the Turks.


Why are you only bringing this up now?


In 2018?


Perhaps you should instead ask why have the West been ignoring and avoiding this issue for nearly 30 years?


As we should. It's got nothing to do with us.

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Its not the first time the Kurds have been shafted by us enlightened folk in the west.

The sooner we stop screwing around in that part of the world the better. Sadly its only going to get worse.

Next stop, Iran!!!

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The Turks have been wiping out the Kurds for decades.


The West turned a blind eye to Turk massacre of Kurds since the early 1990s, when we needed support of the Turks against Saddam the first time around. Back then, the Turks were using American F-16 fighter jets and American Sikorsky UH-60 Blackhawks to kill the Kurds.


The Turks killing the Kurds started well before “dictator” Erdogan was democratically elected by the Turks.


Why are you only bringing this up now?


In 2018?


Perhaps you should instead ask why have the West been ignoring and avoiding this issue for nearly 30 years?

I am bringing it up now because it is of interest to me and millions of others who care that we as a Country ignore the situation where Turkey our so called ally are deemed intouchables due to them being members of NATO.even though they side with Russia and Iran in Syria . Apart from that being member on this forum entitles me to if that is O.K by you that is.

Edited by Albert smith
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As we should. It's got nothing to do with us.


But we're are faffing about over there, the Kurds are fighting IS on the ground, something that we don't want to do (but we want IS gone) - we won't supply them with weapons (not the cool stuff anyway) we are happy to watch turkey etc kill them once they've done our dirty work. It's wrong.

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But we're are faffing about over there, the Kurds are fighting IS on the ground, something that we don't want to do (but we want IS gone) - we won't supply them with weapons (not the cool stuff anyway) we are happy to watch turkey etc kill them once they've done our dirty work. It's wrong.

Bang on and may I add that some brave Brits are fighting alongside the Kurds and they are now being killed by Turkey.

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Bang on and may I add that some brave Brits are fighting alongside the Kurds and they are now being killed by Turkey.


There is nothing brave about killing people in a foreign land who are no threat to you or your country.

The 'brave british boyz 'n' gurlz' are nothing of the sort. They are merely ignorant tools of the corrupt establishment.

Funny isnt it, when someone comes over here and offs a few civis they are a cowardly terrorist. When we do it we are brave hero's.

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Funny isnt it, when someone comes over here and offs a few civis they are a cowardly terrorist. When we do it we are brave hero's.

all depends on which side of the fence youre on, ye olde terrorist or freedom fighter conundrum

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