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Kurds are not wanted in Northern Syria

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I do hope you realise, Albert smith, that Israel is by far the Kurds' most steadfast and reliable ally in the Middle East. And it's been consistent, for decades, too. The Israelis have been sympathetic and supportive of Kurdish autonomy for a long time, and Kurdish people know that. It is not just some new thing.



IN PICTURES: Kurds are flying Israeli flags at independence rallies

The embrace of the Israeli flag comes amidst Israel’s support for Kurdish rights and historic connections between the two nations


I do know!!!!!!! but to bring Isreal into the equation opens up a whole new debate on these pages by the usual anti Isreal brigade.

The Isrealie's are watching the situation and WHEN they decide to act then the World will take up and notice the game changer.

Edited by Albert smith
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as you know the Israelis have been sympathetic to the Kurdish cause since . . . well, since forever really. Since before Israel even became a country at all, they knew that the Yishuv were lucky compared to the Kurds who's fate was to be unlucky. No Balfour Declaration for the Kurds, and not an easy single adversary - the Kurds didn't just have the Arabs, they had the Turks and Iranians too. Many Israelis cheer for the Kurds. That almost all Kurds are Muslims, has nothing to do with it.

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It amazes me that this level of ignorance persists in the 21st Century - of course it's to with us - we're human beings.


I am wondering just a little, if it's possible for you to express an opinion without the insults, but that apart, common sense should tell you that whenever we

" intervene " we usually make matters worse ?

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And the Turks are currently putting a wall up to make a a more definite statement.






Well it was both the UK & France who drew up the borders after the defeat of the Ottoman Empire & you can promise all the backing you like to the Kurds & their right to establish an homeland in their ancient, ancestral territory but if you've already carved it up & given it to others who are more valuable to you both politically & economically, your promises, ain't gonna happen.

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almost nobody has ever supported the notion of Kurdish self-determination at all. The Yishuv had the Balfour Declaration. The Arabs had the McMahon letters. True that both of them later thought that the British reneged on their promises, but at least they got the promises in the first place.


the Kurds never got anything like that. They've been shafted from day one.

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As per post #33: isn't it about time that there was a fully-independent country called Kurdistan?

Or would that be too democratic a challenge for its immediate neighbours?


Less a democratic challenge per se, more a geographical nightmare with new borders drawn up & land required to be taken from other countries.


Just Google 'Kurdistan homeland' & have a look at the maps available.

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As per post #33: isn't it about time that there was a fully-independent country called Kurdistan?

Or would that be too democratic a challenge for its immediate neighbours?


I’m thinking it’s time we had a fully-independent Palestine.

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