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Niche about blow up !

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what the **** is all this crap chat about... Niche is a just a club for gods sake and the music thats played has been around for years it's just been updated alittle to go wiv the times...!


You ironfist or wat ever ya stupid name is have only just discovered this type of scene im guessing with quotes like " NICHE BOUT BLOW UP " niche has been up and running the best part of 15 yrs or more.


sheffield is a great city to live in, ok so the nightlife could do wiv smarting up abit but other than that it's a fine city with really nice friendly people... and please dont stereo type all people that go to NICHE as chav's or plastic gangsters... some of us really do just go there for the excellent sounds of bassline music....!!! :thumbsup:



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sheffield is a great city to live in, ok so the nightlife could do wiv smarting up abit but other than that it's a fine city with really nice friendly people... and please dont stereo type all people that go to NICHE as chav's or plastic gangsters... some of us really do just go there for the excellent sounds of bassline music....!!! :thumbsup:


This is what i was trying to say but think I was a bit to sarcastic and people got the wrong idea seems like every thing I write is taken the wrong way. So I give up.

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ironfist88-This is what i was trying to say but think I was a bit to sarcastic and people got the wrong idea seems like every thing I write is taken the wrong way. So I give up.



yep i think you should give... this is not the impression you gave out at all... perhaps if you had explained yourself a little better and wrote properly we might have understood you.... :hihi:

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One word and one word only can cause this forum to go off on one. Niche.


FFS its a club, it plays a certain type of music, its become well known out of sheffield, people judge others for going to this club.


Its just pathetic.


I love bassline music, ive been to the old venue of niche plenty of times and have happy memories of the place, ive also been to the new venue of niche and think its just as good if not better (the sound system is spoit on)


But im sick and tired of people making a deal out of a thread just because it has the nightclub name of NICHE!!!


Would it be the same if it said Kingdom/Banus/Leadmill etc, get the picture :rolleyes:

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be honest its not all rosey its changed alot now but still only last week at adelphi there was an errm incident to put it mildy


There's always an incident at any club that play that sorta music. Which i think is not fair!


Adelphi is another good event i can't wait to re-open again. Just a shame about the trouble the music attracts. :(

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be honest its not all rosey its changed alot now but still only last week at adelphi there was an errm incident to put it mildy


THAT WAS ADELPHI NOT NICHE ... these idiots r everywhere not just on this scene....!!! i beleive Kingdom was involved in an incident last sat...!!!


Yr just goin off at a tangent nah....!! :rant:

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exactly why do people care so much ?


I seriously don't know. But i guess people are entitled to an opinion and they feel strongly about voicing theirs about Niche. Oh well.


Anyways, welcome. Got off to a bad start but :wave:

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