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Free Cookery Lessons for Parents at School

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This pretty much nails it.


There is a train of thought that goes that with just a little more state intervention, people's problems can all be solved. Well, they can't.


Can't be ars*d to potty train your kid? Don't worry, the school will do it. And teach them to use a knife and fork, tie their shoes, and talk (not joking here).


There are people who aren't daft, and play the system for all they can get. If they don't do it they know that the state will, that it will "give them the help that they need" - and never stop giving, in some cases.


I know this is cynical but as has been said, people need to take responsibility for themselves sometimes.


My mum taught me the basics of cooking which gave me the confidence to learn the rest myself. I don't think we should be too harsh on people whose parents failed to teach them what they needed for adult life. I mean, if we are supposed to take responsibility for learning everything as adults then parents don't need to teach their kids anything, right? It makes sense in many ways to help people learn to cook, it's a good idea.

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With obesity on the increase surely we need to invest in cookery lessons for parents within schools?



Cookery lessons for children would be the way forward. I know how to cook basic meals, but I find microwave meals much quicker and easier to control portion size.

There is no one answer to obesity; allowing manufactures to pump ultra refined sugars in many things is an issue.

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With obesity on the increase surely we need to invest in cookery lessons for parents within schools?


what about us child-free singletons? Can I have some FREE cooking lessons please ?


So would it not make sense for the schools to provide a time slot, 2pm in the afternoon. . .


what about us employed people who are at work at 2pm in the afternoon? Who’ll cover my afternoon shift? You?!

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It's an interesting idea, but I tend to agree with previous posters, it's beset with problems. Besides, there are endless cookery programmes on TV / Youtube they could watch.


I do however think it's essential that kids are taught basic cookery at school or by the parents at home. It's an essential life skill that's been neglected too long.

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Why do people think the Government should wipe people's backsides?


We do have a national obesity problem! Government can influence behaviour on what it taxes and does not tax, what children are taught in schools; education policy gets people ready for work, are employers happy that many more are obese with the associated health problems.

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We do have a national obesity problem! Government can influence behaviour on what it taxes and does not tax, what children are taught in schools; education policy gets people ready for work, are employers happy that many more are obese with the associated health problems.


Wrong question.


You should ask are the food manufacturers happy that more people are obese and the answer is most definitely YES.


They are happy to sell you food that's high in sugar and fat, and when you've had too much and piled on the extra weight, they'll sell the low-sugar and low-fat versions instead.

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Can't they just Google 'How do I make toast/mashed potatoes/a salad/beef casserole/fish pie' instead?


I did.:confused::hihi:


That is the theory of home cooking.


And this is the reality of home cooking.

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