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Eurovision "Song" Contest.


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only because it's an English or British colony where a lot live. Try going somewhere like 8,000 miles away instead of 800 and where nobody has ever seen a British person in the flesh. I've asked lots of them. Almost nobody will be able to name a single British brand, or product. There isn't anything, that anybody ever uses. The Queen is easily the #1 most well known British thing. A lot also seem to be under the impression, that Count Dracula is British, and that Britain's vampires are famous, not sure why, but I think it's because a lot of the vampire films are set in Britain. Mr Bean and to a lesser extent, James Bond might also raise a glimmer. Show them a picture of a red phone box or Parliament, and they probably would have seen something like it somewhere before. But not the Beatles - almost nobody has ever heard of them. In an Asian country where 50% of the population is under the age of about 23, all that kind of stuff is laughable and quaint ancient history.
........meanwhile the majority of the worlds population who are over the age of 23!! probably will have heard of the Beatles and the Rolling Stones who can still sell out arenas around the world............what is your point anyway?
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only because it's an English or British colony where a lot live. Try going somewhere like 8,000 miles away instead of 800 and where nobody has ever seen a British person in the flesh.


Try telling the French - over 90% of the population in the village - that they're an English or British colony.


And what has 8,000 miles away got to do with Eurovision?

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Ours wasn't a great song but it deserved to finish higher than 24th so maybe there is an anti-British sentiment, especially after Brexit. I was struck by the irony that the French contestants sang a song to express sympathy with asylum seekers, whilst on the same evening an asylum seeker stabbed 5 people in Paris.

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........meanwhile the majority of the worlds population who are over the age of 23!! probably will have heard of the Beatles and the Rolling Stones who can still sell out arenas around the world............what is your point anyway?


try asking people in a country like Thailand, Philippines, Indonesia or even Malaysia, a former British colony, if they've ever heard of the Beatles. I have.


some of the older ones have heard of them, and most of them, even quite a few of the majority that are under the age of about 28, may be familiar with especially the Beatles songs. They'll have heard those on the radio, and at the karaoke. They're popular and familiar songs, all over the world even among people that don't speak English. They'll have a good impression of those, as songs.


but they've never heard of the Beatles itself - AS A GROUP. They don't know any British products at all, Beatles included. Most of them would probably say, if you pressed them on it, played them a song, and showed them a picture of the group, that they're American.

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try asking people in a country like Thailand, Philippines, Indonesia or even Malaysia, a former British colony, if they've ever heard of the Beatles. I have.


How many Eurovision votes do Thailand, Philippines, Indonesia and Malaysia have between them?

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Somebody was trying to make out that British people have, or Britain in general have a negative impression abroad.


They don't. They can't.


Billions of people, have barely heard of the place, and it's not because they're stupid. They have more important things to think about than a smallish country of no relevance at all to them.

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Somebody was trying to make out that British people have, or Britain in general have a negative impression abroad.


They don't. They can't.


Billions of people, have barely heard of the place, and it's not because they're stupid. They have more important things to think about than a smallish country of no relevance at all to them.

You get more ridiculous and angry each post trying to airbrush Britain out of the world ......some good stuff to smoke over there ? Edited by mossdog
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It's just true. Few people dislike British people at all. How can they possibly? Countless millions, billions even, don't distinguish the country from dozens of others.

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It's just true. Few people dislike British people at all. How can they possibly? Countless millions, billions even, don't distinguish the country from dozens of others.
..never stopped countless millions wanting to come and live here has it!.......often in preference to our Continental friends!
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