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As a Tory voter, are you offended by being called 'Gammon face'?

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It is not racist however which way you want to cut it.


You want it to be racist.


You want white middle aged people to be portrayed as the true victims of racism.


The idea that white people are being discriminated against in their own country is a cornerstone of right wing Brexiter ideology.


But you need to look elsewhere for your evidence of that because quite simply the gammon phrase is not it. It just isn’t.


Most of the people using the gammon phrase are white themselves.


If you believe that an ethnic group cannot be racist towards its own members you have obviously never heard of internalised racism - which is what we clearly have here.


Insulting the personal characteristics (over which they have no control) of a group of people to draw attention to their skin colour linked with their political views is tantamount to hate speech.


It dehumanises a group of people by comparing them to a pig.




---------- Post added 19-05-2018 at 21:30 ----------


It's derogatory, but I still don't think it's racially motivated.


You think that comparing a whole group of people to a dead pig isn't racist?


What planet are you living on?

Edited by Car Boot
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If you believe that an ethnic group cannot be racist towards its own members you have obviously never heard of internalised racism - which is what we clearly have here.


Insulting the personal characteristics (over which they have no control) of a group of people to draw attention to their skin colour linked with their political views is tantamount to hate speech.


It dehumanises a group of people by comparing them to a pig.



Middle aged angry white people are not a race.


It’s middle aged angry people turning pink because they are getting worked up on national TV, usually on Question Time. The target of their anger can be anyone but they generally think nothing of hectoring, shouting, spewing out soundbites and lies, and it’s not uncommon for them to shout down young females for example. They think nothing of insulting others.


You’ve entirely lost all perspective on this.


I suggest you report your concerns to the equality commission anyway.

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Middle aged angry white people are not a race.


It’s middle aged angry people turning pink because they are getting worked up on national TV, usually on Question Time. The target of their anger can be anyone but they generally think nothing of hectoring, shouting, spewing out soundbites and lies, and it’s not uncommon for them to shout down young females for example. They think nothing of insulting others.


You’ve entirely lost all perspective on this.


I suggest you report your concerns to the equality commission anyway.



I imagine that quite a few of them get all shouty on Internet forums. Getting particularly upset by erroneously perceived racial abuse.


In my experience many of them can be frighteningly dismissive about real racial abuse too.

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Middle aged angry white people are not a race.


White British people, who you are dehumanising and now pretending don't actually even exist, is an ethnicity classification used in the 2011 United Kingdom Census. The Office for National Statistics (ONS) defines white people, some of whom will be middle-aged, as an ethnic group in the UK.


By comparing white middle-aged people to a dead pig (this animal is used frequently in racist insults as it is unfairly associated with being lazy, greedy, or generally disgusting) there is a clear process of dehumanisation operating by which a conscious bias portrays a group of people as less than human.


Textbook racism.


---------- Post added 20-05-2018 at 09:26 ----------


I imagine that quite a few of them get all shouty on Internet forums. Getting particularly upset by erroneously perceived racial abuse.


In my experience many of them can be frighteningly dismissive about real racial abuse too.


Do you believe that white middle-aged people are less than human?

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Middle aged angry white people are not a race.


It’s middle aged angry people turning pink because they are getting worked up on national TV, usually on Question Time. The target of their anger can be anyone but they generally think nothing of hectoring, shouting, spewing out soundbites and lies, and it’s not uncommon for them to shout down young females for example. They think nothing of insulting others.


You’ve entirely lost all perspective on this.


I suggest you report your concerns to the equality commission anyway.


That sounds like a Momentum rally.


Or Jezza at PMQ's. Brexiter, check. Male, check. White, check. Over 50, check. Red face, check. Shouts, check. Hectoring, check. Soundbites, check. Lies, check.


Yes, Jezza is definitely gammon.


Women, what about women? I reckon that Diane Abbot fits the bill if we make gammon an equal opportunities position.


Yes, gammon should definitely be an equal opportunity in modern Britain. Otherwise it's discrimination.

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A large chunk of the common gammon face population spend their time banging on political correctness going mad, how free speech doesn't exist and calling (mainly young) people who disagree them snowflakes, I'd not just call them gammon faced but have it put on their drivers licence and/or passport.


Your post is textbook racism.


You seek to dehumanise an entire group of people by comparing their physical appearance and perceived political views to a dead animal (in this case a pig) which is associated with being lazy, greedy and disgusting.


You want this group to have their dead pig identity systematically marked on official travel documentation to stigmatise, humiliate and control them. Such a policy would reinforce their inferior, less than human, status.


This process of dehumanisation combined with mockery has been used by racist movements throughout history.

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You seek to dehumanise an entire group of people by comparing their physical appearance and perceived political views ...


This process of dehumanisation combined with mockery has been used by racist movements throughout history.


Quite so, here's a perfect example:



racist movements you say :suspect:

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If you google for images of rosacea you will find it seems to affect mostly women, this nonsense about Tory voters, leave voters and right wingers being red faced and angry is utter nonsense ..... all the bitterness and anger both on here and elsewhere seems to be coming from the left wing, middle class , Corbynite and remainer types and the average white working class male is laughing at them :hihi:

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White British people, who you are dehumanising and now pretending don't actually even exist, is an ethnicity classification used in the 2011 United Kingdom Census. The Office for National Statistics (ONS) defines white people, some of whom will be middle-aged, as an ethnic group in the UK.


By comparing white middle-aged people to a dead pig (this animal is used frequently in racist insults as it is unfairly associated with being lazy, greedy, or generally disgusting) there is a clear process of dehumanisation operating by which a conscious bias portrays a group of people as less than human.


Textbook racism.


---------- Post added 20-05-2018 at 09:26 ----------



Do you believe that white middle-aged people are less than human?


You still don’t understand do you.


This is not about their ethnic status as Caucasians. It’s more about their behaviour, anger, delusional thinking, xenophobia etc...


---------- Post added 20-05-2018 at 10:45 ----------


That sounds like a Momentum rally.


Or Jezza at PMQ's. Brexiter, check. Male, check. White, check. Over 50, check. Red face, check. Shouts, check. Hectoring, check. Soundbites, check. Lies, check.


Yes, Jezza is definitely gammon.


Women, what about women? I reckon that Diane Abbot fits the bill if we make gammon an equal opportunities position.


Yes, gammon should definitely be an equal opportunity in modern Britain. Otherwise it's discrimination.


Yes, Corbyn frequently goes gammon.


I support the Greens.


I detest Momentum.


---------- Post added 20-05-2018 at 10:47 ----------


Your post is textbook racism.


You seek to dehumanise an entire group of people by comparing their physical appearance and perceived political views to a dead animal (in this case a pig) which is associated with being lazy, greedy and disgusting.


You want this group to have their dead pig identity systematically marked on official travel documentation to stigmatise, humiliate and control them. Such a policy would reinforce their inferior, less than human, status.


This process of dehumanisation combined with mockery has been used by racist movements throughout history.


Nobody is having a go at leave voters who argue their case in a rational and way.


You are the one artificially grouping people together to build a straw man

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If you google for images of rosacea you will find it seems to affect mostly women, this nonsense about Tory voters, leave voters and right wingers being red faced and angry is utter nonsense ..... all the bitterness and anger both on here and elsewhere seems to be coming from the left wing, middle class , Corbynite and remainer types and the average white working class male is laughing at them :hihi:


The textbook racist term 'gammon' is used mainly by an affluent, middle-class metropolitan elite who are strongly opposed to Brexit and consider the lower classes to be very much inferior to them.

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