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As a Tory voter, are you offended by being called 'Gammon face'?

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The textbook racist term 'gammon' is used mainly by an affluent, middle-class metropolitan elite who are strongly opposed to Brexit and consider the lower classes to be very much inferior to them.


Really, where's your evidence for this? I'm not part of the affluent, middle class metropolitan elite.

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The textbook racist term 'gammon' is used mainly by an affluent, middle-class metropolitan elite who are strongly opposed to Brexit and consider the lower classes to be very much inferior to them.


It's essentially the same people who think they are so much clever about Brexit, but don't know much at all when probed on basic matters, preferring to rely on the indoctrination they have received somewhere or other in pursuit of an ology.


They are the bourgeoisie, the very people who will be disposed in the revolution they seek. Driven by hate, not hope. Nobody does hate quite like leftists.

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You still don’t understand do you.


This is not about their ethnic status as Caucasians. It’s more about their behaviour, anger, delusional thinking, xenophobia etc...


If the ethnicity of the target group is unimportant, then why specifically mention their skin tone? Mentioning skin tone in itself is not racist, of course, but using skin tone as a pejorative for an ad hominem attack certainly is.


Linking skin tone to supposedly negative behaviour has long been a tool of the racist. You appear to be very much out of your depth on this. Unwitting racism? Perhaps.

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If the ethnicity of the target group is unimportant, then why specifically mention their skin tone? Mentioning skin tone in itself is not racist, of course, but using skin tone as a pejorative for an ad hominem attack certainly is.


Linking skin tone to supposedly negative behaviour has long been a tool of the racist. You appear to be very much out of your depth on this. Unwitting racism? Perhaps.

It's not racist because the condition of having a pink face isn't related to their ethnicity. The people concerned don't have pink faces normally and others of their ethnicity don't go pink in the same circumstances. It's also under their control whether they create the circumstances that cause them to go pink - they can avoid it by making an effort keep calm.


Do you think saying someone is blushing is racist? Because that's exactly the same mechanism (blood rushing to the skin when a person is under stress) as gammon face.

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It's essentially the same people who think they are so much clever about Brexit, but don't know much at all when probed on basic matters, preferring to rely on the indoctrination they have received somewhere or other in pursuit of an ology.


They are the bourgeoisie, the very people who will be disposed in the revolution they seek. Driven by hate, not hope. Nobody does hate quite like leftists.


Jesus Christ on a bike.


Listen to yourself. It’s bullcrap.

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Jesus Christ on a bike.


Listen to yourself. It’s bullcrap.


Being lefter than Labour I appreciate that you won't get it, but outside the leftist bourgeois intelligentsia hate bubble we're still waiting for a so-called 'Brexit experts' to be correct, and for the racism, antisemitism, sexism, transphobia, misogyny, and general all around hate that's come to the fore over the last four years to tone down a bit. Now the left has "gammon" to feel smug about.


Like I said, nobody does hate quite as well as the left. The left even hates the left.

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I personally do not think the term is deliberately racist although there is certainly a connotation. There are plenty of middle aged men of all ethnicities that get disproportionately upset on QT & other programs. Why settle on a term that excludes them if there isn't a racial connotation?


My main problem is that name calling solves nothing and these poor saps need help & understanding NOT disdain.


All that said it's certainly ironic to see a certain poster getting ever more irate trying to shout down anyone that dares to disagree with him. I think everybody needs to use patience with him and not resort to.losing our tempers and name calling.

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I personally do not think the term is deliberately racist although there is certainly a connotation. There are plenty of middle aged men of all ethnicities that get disproportionately upset on QT & other programs. Why settle on a term that excludes them if there isn't a racial connotation?


My main problem is that name calling solves nothing and these poor saps need help & understanding NOT disdain.


All that said it's certainly ironic to see a certain poster getting ever more irate trying to shout down anyone that dares to disagree with him. I think everybody needs to use patience with him and not resort to.losing our tempers and name calling.


Now you’re just being internally racist against anybody with numerals in their username :loopy:

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Now you’re just being internally racist against anybody with numerals in their username :loopy:


NO he isn't...!


STOP with this Race card...Once and for all..?


The man has said nothing wrong...!


YOU...on the other hand TRY to turn it into something it isn't..



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