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As a Tory voter, are you offended by being called 'Gammon face'?

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I am a gammon face - I genuinely am. I had to have my face reconstructed after an accident involving a combined harvester many years ago. Medical science & the NHS weren't as amazing then as they are now & they had to rebuild my face with pig flesh & muscle material.


I'm outraged at being called a Tory voter - I'd rather fall in a threshing machine again

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I’m not faithful to any political party I’ve voted for all of them over the years. I listen to their manifesto before an election then I decide who to vote for.


However if I was called gammon face because I voted for the Tories it wouldn’t bother me as long as they carried out what they said they would do. 


What’s that saying, sticks and stone may break my bones but................

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1 hour ago, whiteowl said:

I think the term should be Gammon Flake these days.


I no longer see "Snowflakes" complaining about stuff much nowadays, the only people I generally see whining are of the gammon persuasion.

Kind of like Bacon Bits yeah?

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