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We are all poorer, much poorer

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Is this one of those times when you decide the BBC are to be trusted because they support your position...?


Because normally if anyone quotes anything from the BBC you rubbish it because the BBC are biased.


---------- Post added 15-05-2018 at 21:45 ----------







About 2 months back - about 40% increase in fact.


We were talking about the low paid getting a 12% pay rise.


Are you low paid?

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We were talking about the low paid getting a 12% pay rise.


Are you low paid?


More goalposts moving Anna.


You said "Anybody on SF had a 12% pay rise?"


You NEVER said low paid. You don't get to redefine the srgument after someone proves you wrong.


So yes - at least one person on SF has had a 12%+ pay rise.


Now about the BBC. Are they now considered trustworthy until they say something you disagree with hmmm?


---------- Post added 15-05-2018 at 22:24 ----------


And everyone is poorer.


Really? I thought you were complaining about lots of rich people making even more money - so either thats wrong or not everyones getting poorer...?

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Just to add some more facts to the mix. Particuarly since certain posters cant stop droning on about the so called "low earners"....


Since the financial crisis in 2007 the national minimum wage for the majority of recipients has increased by a total of 26.5 per cent.


Works out approximately to a nice steady increase each year of around 3-4 per cent.


Lets go ask some of the mid-level and even so called high level earners (particarly in the private sector) how many of them have had a nice steady mandatory annual pay increase of between 3-4 per cent.


I certatinly haven't and I bet i'm not alone. Think its time to have a clearer look at who REALLY is being hard done by.

Edited by ECCOnoob
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I've never said the tories are not clever. They know that 90% of a minimum wage pay packet goes straight into the tills of the multinationals and the pockets of the landlords. So their tax tricks and minimum wage shenanigans obscure darker motives. Clever indeed, cynical, vicious, but clever!

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More goalposts moving Anna.


You said "Anybody on SF had a 12% pay rise?"


You NEVER said low paid. You don't get to redefine the srgument after someone proves you wrong.


So yes - at least one person on SF has had a 12%+ pay rise.


Now about the BBC. Are they now considered trustworthy until they say something you disagree with hmmm?


---------- Post added 15-05-2018 at 22:24 ----------



Really? I thought you were complaining about lots of rich people making even more money - so either thats wrong or not everyones getting poorer...?

Do you ever bother to read anything more than what's under your nose, or does absolutely everything have to be spelled out for you?


I was replying to Robin H who was asserting that the lowest paid workers were getting 12% I referred to it in the post that you jumped on.

So please try to follow a discussion by reading it. before you butt in with your inappropriate comments.

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I answered your question Anna. You cast it to the general populace. If YOU cannot frame it correctly that is not MY fault. Not targetting me are you - it seems like it....


Are you going to answer the other points I raised about the BBC suddenly becoming acceptable and trustworthy to you now it supports your viewpoint...?


No. Thought not.

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When George Osborne said in 2015 that the minimum wage would increase to £9 per hour by 2020, some people thought that increase too high.


But it does show the 'poor' getting a whacking pay rise.

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Just to add some more facts to the mix. Particuarly since certain posters cant stop droning on about the so called "low earners"....


Since the financial crisis in 2007 the national minimum wage for the majority of recipients has increased by a total of 26.5 per cent.


Works out approximately to a nice steady increase each year of around 3-4 per cent.


Lets go ask some of the mid-level and even so called high level earners (particarly in the private sector) how many of them have had a nice steady mandatory annual pay increase of between 3-4 per cent.


I certatinly haven't and I bet i'm not alone. Think its time to have a clearer look at who REALLY is being hard done by.


And what level was inflation running at whilst that "nice" increase was happening?


---------- Post added 16-05-2018 at 12:30 ----------


Anyway, this whole discussion is about groups and averages, so our individual changes are unlikely to exactly match.

And any statement that says "we're all" is almost certainly wrong.

I've been self employed for over a decade now, my daily rate during that time has varied by about 50%, at the moment I charge 150% of the rate I charged a decade ago.

It goes up and down though, depends on the client and what I can negotiate. Probably more importantly to me though I haven't had any significant time out of work (unplanned) in a good number of years. And it's 2 years since I had an annoying 1 week delay in starting a contract due to agency incompetence.

So, I'm not worse off than I was 10 years ago. Even accounting for inflation I'm better off.

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