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We are all poorer, much poorer

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You'll have to go away and engage in a great deal of work if you wish to demonstrate these claims and provide evidence that the neoliberal project has been the agent of delivery for those advances you cite.






There's no need to engage in a great deal of work when one word will do.

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You'll have to go away and engage in a great deal of work if you wish to demonstrate these claims and provide evidence that the neoliberal project has been the agent of delivery for those advances you cite.


So answer my question. If it wasn’t neolibralism, then what was it?

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No stamina? Avoiding the question?


You realise I asked you a question first - if you’re going to criticise people for failing to answer your questions, I suggest you answer the ones posited to you first, or it makes you look somewhat foolish..


I will answer your question when you answer mine - I don’t want to topic to get taken off course without people seeing that you are unable to give an answer.


And of course, anyone is welcome to google and read the myriad of research papers that clearly demonstrate the key role neoliberalism has had in the things I mentioned.


Answer my question, and I’ll post links to some of them.

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You realise I asked you a question first - if you’re going to criticise people for failing to answer your questions, I suggest you answer the ones posited to you first, or it makes you look somewhat foolish..


I will answer your question when you answer mine - I don’t want to topic to get taken off course without people seeing that you are unable to give an answer.


And of course, anyone is welcome to google and read the myriad of research papers that clearly demonstrate the key role neoliberalism has had in the things I mentioned.


Answer my question, and I’ll post links to some of them.


Eyup, we’ve got all the makings of a ‘my dad’s bigger than your dad’ post. :hihi:

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This is a 'None argument' really.


The Government (Collectively and whoever are in power.)... are hell bent on making us work until we drop and for peanuts. Slowly rising the pension age by the back door to boot.!


While ever folk are in Deb't they can't mobilise and cause riots. They are way too busy working every hour god sends to keep afloat/pay the bills/rent/mortgage..


If folk actually 'HAD THE TIME' to think about what their government was doing to them, then there WOULD be Riots.


We are way too soft in this country and OUR Government know it.!!

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Quibble, bluster, obfuscation, distraction - all to be expected from the supporters of neoliberalism.


Take no notice, they simply don't care that we ordinary people are struggling to survive. They are untroubled by the desperate financial plight that sees millions struggling for survival, they are supremely unconcerned by the devastation of the public services that we general folk depend upon. They love to sneer at the suffering of the low paid, the homeless. the elderly.


Neoliberalism does not work for the 99%, it is only effective for the richest. It was not designed to work for ordinary people, it is a redistributory model, taking from those who have not and giving to those who have.


Who are these 'ordinary people'?

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Eyup, we’ve got all the makings of a ‘my dad’s bigger than your dad’ post. :hihi:


Why should I bother answering their questions when they don’t have the courtesy to answer the ones I posed first?


It isn’t possible to have an adult debate with someone who just closes their ears and ignores things they don’t like.

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Why should I bother answering their questions when they don’t have the courtesy to answer the ones I posed first?


It isn’t possible to have an adult debate with someone who just closes their ears and ignores things they don’t like.


Get used to it, your on a forum. ;)

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