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World Cup 2018 thread

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With you on that, moreso after Neymar's shamefully embarrassing injury feign display at the end of the game against Mexico.


Ontario 1981

Not what was in my mind at the time of my text to be honest.

I have a relative who still 'crucifies' himself at the mention of 'that' 1966 game!.


To me 1966 is OUR(!) World Cup, OUR WIN and OUR WINNING HEROES, who should ALL have been knighted (not left to live out their days struggling to get by, by selling off their medals etc to survive old age, but I won't get started on that shameful despicable outcome). HEROES EVERY 1 OF THEM to me and thousands/millions of others, boy to man!.


For myself (and I believe!, others!?) I would love to see England win the World Cup in my lifetime...…

It's on my 'Bucket List', has been for a couple (Ahem!!) of years now!!! :hihi:

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Yeah like a certain team in an FA cup final circa1966:mad:


Or an England team in 1970.


---------- Post added 03-07-2018 at 00:53 ----------


So with you on that...all the commentators and "once every 4 year" fans tossing themselves over Neymar and Brazil. Hope someone stuffs them.


I'll second that - Neymar's acting is worse than Emmerdale.

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I just hope Southgate selects the team based solely on performance and not on anything else.


In other words Rose has to play at left wing back.


Young offers more stamina and possibly better defensive cover but going forward I'm afraid there's no contest judging by the last game Rose played against Belgium.


I reckon loyalty will win out though and Young will play.

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I'll second that - Neymar's acting is worse than Emmerdale.


In cycling, if you get caught using a medication that's got a banned ingredient, even if it was for treating an illness, you get banned from competing at all. In football, if you cheat like Neymar you don't even get a yellow card, I don't get it.

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Belgium...losing to Japan. A very intersting World Cup (apart from the boring and predictable Brazil, hope some team gives them a good doing like last WC then we could have less of the tiresome Neymar Show).


---------- Post added 02-07-2018 at 20:10 ----------


Jeez....2-0 now


Do you think he will get an Oscar nomination for best actor for over reaction to a foul? It is pathetic how these so called superstars who are idolised by kids play act after a foul in the hope of getting a player sent off. Totally agree with what I think Shearer said last night if he had sent the player off for the foul it would have just led to more overacting when players get fouled.

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Do you think he will get an Oscar nomination for best actor for over reaction to a foul? It is pathetic how these so called superstars who are idolised by kids play act after a foul in the hope of getting a player sent off. Totally agree with what I think Shearer said last night if he had sent the player off for the foul it would have just led to more overacting when players get fouled.


Just imagine how good he'd be if chose to try and stay on his feet. Drogba was the same to start with at Chelsea. Great big chap who fell over at the gentlest touch - until he realised he could achieve much more stood upright.

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Do you think he will get an Oscar nomination for best actor for over reaction to a foul? It is pathetic how these so called superstars who are idolised by kids play act after a foul in the hope of getting a player sent off. Totally agree with what I think Shearer said last night if he had sent the player off for the foul it would have just led to more overacting when players get fouled.


This is part of the stuff that puts a lot of Canadians and Americans off the game, which is what I mentioned on the other thread about the 2026 event. I find myself forever defending the game over here, and saying it is a hard game to play at a high level and jerks like Neymar come along and do this crap.

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