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Stopping neighbour's cannabis smell

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Possession, intent to supply are crimes.


Ingesting or smoking are allowed as long as you don't possess it....

Once smoked it's gone.


Has there been any attempt to compromise or did you go in with the junkie line?


I think we know the answer to that question...no compromise just threaten the poor sod with the sounds of it.


"I call it like it is. And it was not just tobacco he was smoking it was an illegal drug, one of the more anti-social ones at that."


Anyone would think he was doing heroin, I've never known cannabis to be ant-social, people who smoke it are laid back and sociable. But then if it was H they probably would be blissfully un-aware in most cases. Quite funny how people are quick to judge others, I bet they never even tried talking to him without prejudice :loopy:

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Seriously, good luck with that.


You could try getting him on to spice! That’s non pungent and will send him in to zombie mode. Win win all round.


This is the best alternative to physically stopping the odour I have seen.


I'd even be willing to reimburse him his first few hits with that stuff.


---------- Post added 28-05-2018 at 13:37 ----------


Possession, intent to supply are crimes.


Ingesting or smoking are allowed as long as you don't possess it....

Once smoked it's gone.

not sure about Internal Possession in the Uk or forensically establishing that drug use has taken place.. residues odours chemical traces etc


Has there been any attempt to compromise or did you go in with the junkie line?


My whole approach from the outset to this person has been one of compromise. To no avail it appears to be impossible to communicate ones request and reasoning to what remains of such a drug fuddled mind.


Fortunately a neighbour has allegedly found a convincing method of explanation that seems to have worked and in currently enduring. Perhaps his prescription pain meds are blocking his need for his illegal gear.

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So you've been and threatened the bloke with violence to force the matter??

If this escalates and he puts your windows though, it sounds like you deserve it to be honest.


Violence begets violence.


I t seems yopu have not read my post or failed to understand it from your post i think it was the latter.


I will try to explain though I only usually bother with the hard of understanding professionally.


I have not used violence on the junky nor have I foolishly threatened the junky with violence ...another neighbour allegedly has.


Now try and pay attention






If that has not cleared it up try asking a responsible adult for help


The windows in question are not mine and knowing this neighbour and some of his ALLEGED connections I think if the junky were to attempt use violence on the neighbour that has already ALLEGEDLY broke some of his bits he would be very very unwise


Like I said I have my reservations about the use of violence but I not have any complaints about what seems to be a violence related outcome.

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Yes yes of course, you did nothing - a complete stranger did it all for you.

Yet you know all the details surrounding it??


Lets be honest you've decided this person is scum of the earth, you've been very vocal about such feelings.

Do you really think they don't know what you think or say about them????

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I have not used violence on the junky nor have I foolishly threatened the junky with violence ...another neighbour allegedly has.


Now try and pay attention






It's not allegedly ie not proven when you not only admit what happened you also go into detail about bits of him been broken, you even know the person who did it...is that not a criminal offence???

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is that not a criminal offence???


Allegedly, perhaps :hihi::hihi::hihi::hihi:


but do you really think a mysterious neighbour has been round and given this bloke a complete pasting for smoking in his own home???


Complete nonsense says I.

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The police have better things to do than chase around after some old granny who can smell cannabis.




Unless she's sat in the room with the man it sounds like most of her complaints are Psychosomatic.




Have you checked the loft??


You might have a shared loft-space, which would explain how the smell is able to pass through.


What a manly post :rolleyes:


---------- Post added 28-05-2018 at 18:48 ----------


The drug users on this thread are so easy to spot.

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What a manly post :rolleyes:


---------- Post added 28-05-2018 at 18:48 ----------


The drug users on this thread are so easy to spot.


because most right wingers talk absolute hogwash on the subject, people of experience know exactly what the subject entails

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