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Stopping neighbour's cannabis smell

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What a manly post


The drug users on this thread are so easy to spot.


So are the narrow minded idiots, but thats another thing right??


You think going over and kicking someone's teeth in because you don't like what they get upto is perfectly reasonable??

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Anyone would think he was doing heroin, I've never known cannabis to be ant-social, people who smoke it are laid back and sociable.



heroin users when it comes to taking it just take it and not many are really any the wiser. Most of us don't care that they took it or give a damn what happens to them as long as their unconscious (or worse) bodies don't litter the streets raising awkward questions from children.


Cannabis when smoked you can smell for some distance it smells unpleasant to many so it is antisocial. Plus if you can smell it you are breathing it in. As we have laws to protect people from passively smoking the legal tobacco why are there n laws to prevent the passive smoking of an illegal narcotic.


Also Do try getting them to stop smoking it where it is obvious that they are doing so and see how sociable they are then.


Also I don't think we convict for internal possession of a controlled substance unfortunately. Though there is always the hope that we might do one day.

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heroin users when it comes to taking it just take it and not many are really any the wiser. Most of us don't care that they took it or give a damn what happens to them as long as their unconscious (or worse) bodies don't litter the streets raising awkward questions from children.


Cannabis when smoked you can smell for some distance it smells unpleasant to many so it is antisocial. Plus if you can smell it you are breathing it in. As we have laws to protect people from passively smoking the legal tobacco why are there n laws to prevent the passive smoking of an illegal narcotic.


Also Do try getting them to stop smoking it where it is obvious that they are doing so and see how sociable they are then.


Also I don't think we convict for internal possession of a controlled substance unfortunately. Though there is always the hope that we might do one day.


I see you have come back from under the bridge :hihi:

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Yes yes of course, you did nothing - a complete stranger did it all for you.


Not a stranger another neighbour and his actions are alleged only.


Yet you know all the details surrounding it??


perhaps you live a secular existence.. i don't. what i have mentioned is spoken about openly by all in the Close.


Lets be honest you've decided this person is scum of the earth,


Your words not mine.. I never said that.. Do not presume to tell me what I have decided... if though he subjects others including his own children to an illegal narcotic then he certainly is acting very poorly.


you've been very vocal about such feelings


where have I? do please tell ....where?. I have not to date mentioned my feelings once. On that I say you are mistaken or deliberately lying. I am however open to receiving an apology for the former, though not the latter.


I have only said he is a junky.. he is and I have said it to his face and as he is it is simply a fact.


Do you really think they don't know what you think or say about them????


I do know he knows what I have said about him and I don't care as I have told him to his face. I have told him he is a junky that his behaviour is unacceptably antisocial and that he is abusing his children, possibly damaging them for life.


If I have something to say about someone be it positive or negative then I will not ever hesitate to say it to their face.


Now you back up what you claim I have done or done wrong. IF you can.

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