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Look North

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I know some people must like Look North, but for me it's pretty dire. There are a couple of bright spots, Keeley Donovan and Paul Hudson but that apart it's not much cop (imo).


There must be some news happening in Yorkshire but not much ever gets on this show. It's more "features", a lot of which seem to involve children.


In fact there are so many kid's features on Look North it's like CBeebies.


It's very repetitive. They do like a good medical tragedy story!

And they love the question "Could more have been done..?".

"The Battle of Bosworth Field - we ask, could more have been done to get King Richard III that desperatly needed horse?"


Then the recurring themes:-

the evil Tory cuts.

The Battle of Orgreave.

Gary Verity and his latest bike race.


And the worse one of all. Some reporter is on screen, with a crowd of locals behind them.

Harry Gration or whoever says "And tonight, here we are in - Grotborough!!"


and the crowd behind all go "Waaaayyyyyyyy". Honest to God, they do this so many times.


Lastly, Harry. I know people love him. But the day the BBC employ a female presenter who looks as old, worn out and knackered as Harry is a day I'll never see. Sexism writ large.


Anyway, I feel better for that! :hihi:

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Lastly, Harry. I know people love him. But the day the BBC employ a female presenter who looks as old, worn out and knackered as Harry is a day I'll never see. Sexism writ large.


Anyway, I feel better for that! :hihi:


Harry Gration - 67


Gloria Hunniford - 78

Angela Rippon - 73

Julia Somerville - 70

Jennie Bond - 68

all present(ed) Rip Off Britain until last year and Gloria still has a regular show on BBC 1

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They were on one program. He is on every night.

Which ran for 7 years


Sue Barker and Kirsty Wark are both 62 and on every week hosting a lot more prestigous show than Look Leeds. Janet Street Porter is 71 and on Loose Women a lot . Admittedly that ITV but she hosted that cookery show last year on BBC didnt she?

Moira Stewart is on everyday with Chris evans and still does tv and shes older than Harry

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with regard to the original post im interested as to why Keeley and Paul are the highlights.


The crowd going "whaayyy" bit is just interaction it happens at every event regardless if its local or national "news". you watch anything where a reporter is in front of a bunch of people who have been cued up to react that way.


It does have a lot of "features" but they have to follow a national news programme which gets to cover news internationally and they have the same time space to fill with "news" from a very small region in comparison so they have to have filler material and features.

Items like the tour de Yorkshire which you cited are fairly major and a good news item so i would expect a lot of coverage as a positive story for the area.


It does cover a lot in more to the West than down here though

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