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Grass Verge need cutting - Sheffield Council

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I'm going to dissent from the majority here - I think it's absolutely brilliant that the verges aren't being cut!


We are facing an ecological apocalypse. So many species of insects and birds are in a nosedive decline. Meadow and grassland species have been particularly badly hit. By treating verges effectively as meadows, and mowing less frequently, we can massively increase the amount of a threatened habitat - which will work wonders for butterflies, moths, bees, birds.


An uncut verge might look untidy for the first couple of years - but provided it is cut at the right time, after plants have seeded, the species diversity will increase and you'll end up with a lovely host of wild plants and flowers. If you look at some of the verges in the Peak District, they are full of beautiful flowers, including a host of orchids. So much prettier than a 1970s monoculture grass verge! (The visual equivalent of the avocado bathroom suite, surely).


Of course, it needs to be done sensibly. We need to cut if there are safety concerns or problems with visibility. We need to make sure paths are clear and that access isn't impeded. But we could do those things and still leave huge tracts unmowed.


And the money that is saved? That can be put into the services that really matter - like health and social care. In a constrained resource environment, do we want cut verges or do we want better dementia care? I think there's only one sensible answer to that question.

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  • 3 weeks later...
A guy on a ride-on mower has just been to look at our verges but as the grass is about 1cm long, brown and dead, there was nothing for him to actually do. Still, I'm sure he will enjoy his day driving round in the sun!


we had ours cut a fortnight ago. They've been again today! Scheduling is being done by a bunch of buffoons :hihi:

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Love the fact they haven't cut the verges. Great for the bees and other insects. Wish they would get it cut now though as so many of the verges are full of ragwort which is a very poisonous plant for horses and grazing animals and obviously will be seeding soon filling grassland with this horrible weed.

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  • 2 months later...

Well here we go again we’ll done to the city council or Amey just had grass verges supposedly cut what a toatal mess grass all over my car all over path,my drive , then some moron comes along with a blower an blows it all over road so when you get in your car car grass all over and makes more mess ,

Seriously are we paying these clowns to do this work.?? And even more the person in charge of these fools wants to get off his arse and come round estates

And see what’s going on

Edited by lien1
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Well here we go again we’ll done to the city council or Amey just had grass verges supposedly cut what a toatal mess grass all over my car all over path,my drive , then some moron comes along with a blower an blows it all over road so when you get in your car car grass all over and makes more mess ,

Seriously are we paying these clowns to do this work.?? And even more the person in charge of these fools wants to get off his arse and come round estates

And see what’s going on as to be honest I’d sack the lot off them


Never understood the point of blowers - just blowing it elsewhere to make it someone else's problem!

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