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Directors Pay Out Of Control.

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On the wireless, a certain Chief Executive Officer of a Charity (with out ANY competition whatever) has seen the "wage" rise 70% since 2008. He now "earns" 11 times more per annum that what the PM gets. The Charity at present has £2.4 BILLION in cash and assets.


MP John Mann of the Labour Party, who concurrently headed the Parliamentary Commons Treasury Committee, called the sum "outrageous" and expressed the opinion that it "should immediately be returned to the Treasury".


MP Nigel Mills of the Conservative Party criticised the Charity for "effectively hoarding public money" and called for the UK's Charity Commission to investigate the matter.


Labour peer Lord Rooker said he had never heard of such salaries in “what is supposedly a charity scheme”, adding: “There is something not right. The Charity Commission needs to look into it.


So two questions arise from the above, as there is no competition for the Company/Charity should the wage of the Chief Executive Officer reflect this and be reduced.


Should as the MP's want, the monies be turned over to the Treasury.


My opinion is a simple yes to both questions.


Here is the story. https://www.express.co.uk/news/uk/915479/disability-charity-boss-outrage-bonus-mike-betts-hm-treasury



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It would be interesting to find out about the growth of senior level wages in the charitable and public sectors.

When I started working in these sectors 20 years ago, people in these positions earning similar or even more than the Prime Minister would've been unheard of. However it now seems to be the default position to pay huge salaries for people in these positions.

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