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Stabbings in Sheffield May 2018

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Just had a quick look at The Star online and there are reports of at least 3 stabbings in Sheffield this week, including, tragically, one fatal stabbing of a young man at Woodhouse. The others were at Batemoor and City Road and that's only what The Star reports from Sheffield.


As a parent, I for one, am concerned about the number of stabbings occurring in Sheffield.

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Just had a quick look at The Star online and there are reports of at least 3 stabbings in Sheffield this week, including, tragically, one fatal stabbing of a young man at Woodhouse. The others were at Batemoor and City Road and that's only what The Star reports from Sheffield.


As a parent, I for one, am concerned about the number of stabbings occurring in Sheffield.


I dont know if this puts your mind at rest, and we know nothing about these stabbings yet, but I am still 100% sure it is the case they were NOT random attacks.


Wouldnt be surprised if its merely a case of scum stabbing scum, or related to ongoing disputes/domestic incidents, but we wait and see.

Edited by EmmaJones76
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As a parent, I for one, am concerned about the number of stabbings occurring in Sheffield.


Are you concerned because violent crime is up? (Is it, do you actually know?)


Is your child likely to be in those areas, or any area where a stabbing is more likely to happen?


Just trying to see what the underlying thrust is, as it were.

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Just had a quick look at The Star online and there are reports of at least 3 stabbings in Sheffield this week, including, tragically, one fatal stabbing of a young man at Woodhouse. The others were at Batemoor and City Road and that's only what The Star reports from Sheffield.


As a parent, I for one, am concerned about the number of stabbings occurring in Sheffield.


Not just Sheffield though - it's across the country.


Anyone would think there was direct link between serious cuts in police funding and rises in violent crime. Anyone but politicians, of course.

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If its the case these stabbings were just random attacks out of the blue, then the OP has a reason to worry.


Until then, he hasnt. Nobody knows the background to them.


I think most people are worried about stabbings in their area, whatever the reasons. No one wants to live around violence.

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I think most people are worried about stabbings in their area, whatever the reasons. No one wants to live around violence.


Of course not but if you go about your day to day life as normal, the chances of you being stabbed are very minimal.


However if you are in a gang, are a drug dealer, involved in an ongoing dispute etc... these chances increase. And we dont know the circumstances of the 3 incidents yet. If any of the 3 were just random attacks I will be utterly amazed.

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Of course not but if you go about your day to day life as normal, the chances of you being stabbed are very minimal.


However if you are in a gang, are a drug dealer, involved in an ongoing dispute etc... these chances increase. And we dont know the circumstances of the 3 incidents yet. If any of the 3 were just random attacks I will be utterly amazed.


True. It's actually fairly rare for people to get stabbed in a random attack. Problem seems to be now though that it's kids getting involved in childish 'gangs' and arguments over social media, then going and stabbing each other. The roots of why that is happening are pretty deep- and probably start somewhere around the fact that social mobility and the notion of being able to work hard and get somewhere in life now barely exist.


If you know you can work your backside off all your life in a zero hours job, and still barely have the money to pay your rent and bills, let alone achieve the pipe dream of buying your own property, it's very easy to turn angry, resentful and nihilistic.


Throw in the constant images of people with money, expensive cars and clothes etc that 'entertainment' presents us with, and the fact that the only thing that seems to be valued in the UK now is how much money you have and it's a toxic mix for frustrated teenagers.


I'm not excusing stabbings of course, before anyone starts down that route- just trying to understand why they're occurring so regularly.

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Just had a quick look at The Star online and there are reports of at least 3 stabbings in Sheffield this week, including, tragically, one fatal stabbing of a young man at Woodhouse. The others were at Batemoor and City Road and that's only what The Star reports from Sheffield.


As a parent, I for one, am concerned about the number of stabbings occurring in Sheffield.


Just think, you could be living in london and itd be 3 an hour, or in the US where its mass shootings weekly

in Sheffield most of the stabbings are drug gang related

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