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Stabbings in Sheffield May 2018

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More stop and search, mandatory 2yrs for carrying a knife, full life tarrif for a fatality knife crime. Time to get very very tough with these people .


None of these address the real issues. Try major investment in youth services, youth offending teams and training and education for young people, try a massive education programme.

'Getting tough' with people who feel marginalised and undervalued doesn't work - helping them to feel they matter and have a future does.

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The one thing that we all must agree on is that whatever is being done currently is not working. However I refuse to treat feral boys and their child bearing under aged girlfriends with any respect, until they start to make some effort in joining the human race. The only reason that most of them exist is because they were produced in order to proliferate their parents benefits culture, that folk like us pay for.

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The one thing that we all must agree on is that whatever is being done currently is not working. However I refuse to treat feral boys and their child bearing under aged girlfriends with any respect, until they start to make some effort in joining the human race. The only reason that most of them exist is because they were produced in order to proliferate their parents benefits culture, that folk like us pay for.


Then you're part of the problem.

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The one thing that we all must agree on is that whatever is being done currently is not working. However I refuse to treat feral boys and their child bearing under aged girlfriends with any respect, until they start to make some effort in joining the human race. The only reason that most of them exist is because they were produced in order to proliferate their parents benefits culture, that folk like us pay for.


very true! and the culture is proliferated by the meddling of do -gooders and the ones that think its all down to lack of youth clubs and "opportunities" and the entitlement culture, no its lack of discipline and respect and bad parenting simple

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very true! and the culture is proliferated by the meddling of do -gooders and the ones that think its all down to lack of youth clubs and "opportunities" and the entitlement culture, no its lack of discipline and respect and bad parenting simple


Totally agree, i got kicked into touch when i was a child about the rights and the wrongs in life, clipped round the ear and my backside belted if i continued to do wrong,


though these days it classed as assault, and children no matter weather primary or secondary school are encouraged to tell there teachers or if not the teachers are well aware of what to look for, so dammed if you do and dammed if you dont.

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It’s all down to respect. Respect for others, for others property, respect for rules and regulations that make us a cohesive society, respect for authority.

I won’t go in to my past but we were 3 children with a single mum. Fortunately the love of a good parent is priceless!

We were taught right from wrong followed by a clip round the ear for not listening followed by a dripping sandwich and a lecture.

Sorry if that sounds trite but that’s how it was and it must have been done right because the only offence I have ever committed is a traffic offence of nipping over the solid white lane too late.

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It’s all down to respect. Respect for others, for others property, respect for rules and regulations that make us a cohesive society, respect for authority.

I won’t go in to my past but we were 3 children with a single mum. Fortunately the love of a good parent is priceless!

We were taught right from wrong followed by a clip round the ear for not listening followed by a dripping sandwich and a lecture.

Sorry if that sounds trite but that’s how it was and it must have been done right because the only offence I have ever committed is a traffic offence of nipping over the solid white lane too late.


I"d have done anything for a dripping sandwich.

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The one thing that we all must agree on is that whatever is being done currently is not working. However I refuse to treat feral boys and their child bearing under aged girlfriends with any respect, until they start to make some effort in joining the human race. The only reason that most of them exist is because they were produced in order to proliferate their parents benefits culture, that folk like us pay for.


Love to know what you mean by 'feral boys'.....I have no idea.


You refuse to treat "child bearing under aged girlfriends with any respect?"


What a dark and twisted place your life must be in that someone who getspregnant under age deserves no respect.


You are absolutely a part of the problem and as much to blame for any of the issues society faces as any of these screwed up kids we seem so good at creating.

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It’s all down to respect. Respect for others, for others property, respect for rules and regulations that make us a cohesive society, respect for authority.

I won’t go in to my past but we were 3 children with a single mum. Fortunately the love of a good parent is priceless!

We were taught right from wrong followed by a clip round the ear for not listening followed by a dripping sandwich and a lecture.

Sorry if that sounds trite but that’s how it was and it must have been done right because the only offence I have ever committed is a traffic offence of nipping over the solid white lane too late.


We had fresh white bread doorsteps, with ample white and brown dripping and a sprinkle of salt. Life was simpler then, the pop wagon had an army of kids queueing for the likes of dandelion and burdock, fighting took place using fists, and the naughtiest things were probably sharing a Park Drive with your mates and snogging a willing girl, actually behind the bike sheds in my case.


I don’t have an answer to this problem, our son was too busy playing every sport imaginable to even think of gangs and knives, I can’t think what we did right, but whatever it was appears to have worked.


---------- Post added 29-05-2018 at 12:01 ----------


Love to know what you mean by 'feral boys'.....I have no idea.


You refuse to treat "child bearing under aged girlfriends with any respect?"


What a dark and twisted place your life must be in that someone who getspregnant under age deserves no respect.


You are absolutely a part of the problem and as much to blame for any of the issues society faces as any of these screwed up kids we seem so good at creating.


You could easily google ‘feral’, you would then have your answer, we obviously lead completely different lives, mine is very pleasant by the way.

Edited by Calahonda
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