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Rotherham's Green bins-will you pay?

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perhaps people who live close to each other who don't generate much green waste could share a bin between them.


Charging people does seem to be forcing people to finding ways other than dumping things in the bin, its a good thing.

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Family of 6 are 6 times more likely to make a demand on the emergency services/libraries/create 6 times more waste etc etc than family of 1.

3x more demand than 2 people etc.


I don't think there would ever be a referendum on it, but I would be in favour of poll tax.




A household of 6 would still have one bin to empty - only one house for the fire brigade to attend to, for example.


So do they really make 6 times the demand on Local Authority services?

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A household of 6 would still have one bin to empty - only one house for the fire brigade to attend to, for example.


So do they really make 6 times the demand on Local Authority services?


I'd suspect a household of 6 would have more rubbish in the one bin than a household of 2...

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Perhaps - but it is only going to cost the same as emptying a bin for a household of 2.


If councils are charged by weight at landfill then the bin from the family of 6 will cost more to dispose of than the other one...

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So it would be pretty difficult to calculate accurate local authority bills based on actual service usage.


Divide the amount of council tax paid by the number of people in the local authority?That's one basic way..it could be fine tuned I suppose as well but it'd be a start...hypothetically speaking...

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