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Russia rogue state. UN has passed its sell by date.

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Now that Russia has been formally identified as the criminals behind the unlawful killing if the crew and passengers of MH17 what's your be done?


It seems to me that the the United Nations is overdue for replacement with a body that represents the non rogue nations if the world. An enlarged Commonwealth perhaps.

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The UN have prevented a Third World War. The Veto power for the five permanent members has helped prevent a Third World War. The big three Russia, China and USA get away with doing bad things that the rest of the World don't get away with. Incidents such as MH17 is a price the World has to pay to prevent a Third World War. The UN is far from perfect, but is the best tool we have to prevent a Third World War. A Fourth World War would be fought using sticks and stones.

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it is not as if they are only confined to the Europe. They are not quite the global player they used to be, but they are still very active in the Middle East, Central Asian and Pacific theaters. The good news is that diplomatically they are not neophytes, and also they are not the brainwashed Marxist-Leninists that many of them used to be and which could make them as dangerous as any religous maniac. However flare-ups anywhere are very possible.


In rare face-off, Russian jets reportedly intercept Israeli planes over Lebanon


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The UN have prevented a Third World War. The Veto power for the five permanent members has helped prevent a Third World War. The big three Russia, China and USA get away with doing bad things that the rest of the World don't get away with. Incidents such as MH17 is a price the World has to pay to prevent a Third World War. The UN is far from perfect, but is the best tool we have to prevent a Third World War. A Fourth World War would be fought using sticks and stones.


I always imagined that it was an assortment of nuclear arsenals and the threat of MAD that prevented a third world war. Even denuclearisation has happened without the UN, from SALT and Perestroika to Trump and Kim.


I don't think we can credit the UN with preventing WW3. It can't even stop tribal wars in Africa.

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I always imagined that it was an assortment of nuclear arsenals and the threat of MAD that prevented a third world war. Even denuclearisation has happened without the UN, from SALT and Perestroika to Trump and Kim.


I don't think we can credit the UN with preventing WW3. It can't even stop tribal wars in Africa.


Agreed. They didn't even back us over The Falklands when our territory was actually invaded.

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Agreed. They didn't even back us over The Falklands when our territory was actually invaded.

not true according to this



infact our "friends" Israel and France could be seen as acting against us by helping Argentina during the war.

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not true according to this



infact our "friends" Israel and France could be seen as acting against us by helping Argentina during the war.

Which would have been all but impossible if the UN had backed the UK when Argentina illegally invaded the Falklands.


Good point Mel, it's nice that you agree.

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Which would have been all but impossible if the UN had backed the UK when Argentina illegally invaded the Falklands.


Good point Mel, it's nice that you agree.

I presume you missed the bit in my link which says the UN security council backed us 10 to 1, and of the abstentions 2 are still causing trouble now (China and Russia) and friendly ish nations (Spain and Poland)


also sanctions were imposed on argentina by the then EEC

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