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Russia rogue state. UN has passed its sell by date.

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Read your link again. Just how did the UN effectively support the UK beyond a nominal vote before tea and biscuits?

it doesnt matter, you say they didnt help....that says they did back us, how is immaterial

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The UN didn't help. A Mother's Union vote would have had as much effect. All your did was to support the motion that the UN isn't fit for purpose, still less the earlier assertion that it's prevented WW3.


what do you expect the UN to have done?

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what do you expect the UN to have done?


Demand Argentina leave?

Sent a UN peacekeeping force ahead of the UK Task Force?

Sanctioned Argentina?

Suspended Argentinian aid?


Just a few ideas off the top of my head with more than a WI grade condemnation. According to Wikipedia the UN even had the cheek to ask the UK to find a diplomatic solution to the Argentinian invasion. That's quite astounding, and of course was only one of many such calls from the UN before and since to basically throw the Falklands to the wolves.


The more I hear about the UN the more convinced I am that it's past its sell by date. The League of Nations was put to bed, I think it's time the UN was put to sleep too.

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Demand Argentina leave?

Sent a UN peacekeeping force ahead of the UK Task Force?

Sanctioned Argentina?

Suspended Argentinian aid?


the un can't demand anything


where would the peacekeeping force have come from?

what would it's terms of reference been?


how much aid was agentina receiving in the 1980s?


sanctions take a while to sort out, the fighting started before there was time to do anything like that.


According to Wikipedia the UN even had the cheek to ask the UK to find a diplomatic solution to the Argentinian invasion. That's quite astounding, and of course was only one of many such calls from the UN before and since to basically throw the Falklands to the wolves.


the alternative to a war is a diplomatic solution, the uk government wasn't interested in a diplomatic solution.


The more I hear about the UN the more convinced I am that it's past its sell by date. The League of Nations was put to bed, I think it's time the UN was put to sleep too.


so what would you replace it with?


if you want it to be the worlds policeman then it needs real powers both military and financial. it needs to become the world's government but that would need the countries of the world to surrender a fair chunk of their sovereignty.

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So we agree that the UN is past its sell by date. Cool.

Yes. A replacement is needed, as to which:

a. the basis has to be that it does not seek or attempt or pretend to legislate; and

b. the basic entry qualification for countries seeking to join has to be democracy.

(Oh, and that its employees/agents in 'emergency action' areas of the world don't sexually abuse the citizenry.

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