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Forwarding Other People's E-mails

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This is slightly more complicated as the person complaining has played no part in the posting of this information publicly.


There definitely seems to be a growing acceptance that people have the right to post anything on facebook including information and photographs of people who have definitely not given their consent.


People don't know what discretion means any more. :(


I'm dismayed that grown people feel the need to post their private business on the internet for all to see. Why?!! Even worse, family feuds and disagreements with friends. That stuff should be private!

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People don't know what discretion means any more. :(


I'm dismayed that grown people feel the need to post their private business on the internet for all to see. Why?!! Even worse, family feuds and disagreements with friends. That stuff should be private!


Yes, maybe it should be. BUT its their choice if they are posting something on thier own volition, or are directly involved or are the valid recepient of something.


By the very topic of this thread, you yourself could be deemed guilty of exactly the same thing.


After all, this public forum full of strangers who all now know about and are giving opinion on your family fued and grievance over someone else's personal facebook postings.


With the exception of hiding behind the secrecy of a username is what you have done here really any different to the actions of your relative(s)?

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I don't think it only applies to emails. Spoken word is the same. Once you have said it it is public property. If you don't want it passing on then don't say it. I always get confused when my other half says don't say anything, which I wouldn't do it she hadn't said anything in the first place.

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People don't know what discretion means any more. :(


I'm dismayed that grown people feel the need to post their private business on the internet for all to see. Why?!! Even worse, family feuds and disagreements with friends. That stuff should be private!


It's probably the same as the obsession with celebrities, every ordinary joe needs relevance, or they feel like a nobody. Folks should really get a life of their own.Whatever happened to "valuing one's privacy."? I value mine because of all the people who want to find me.LOL

Edited by Ontarian1981
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I don't think it only applies to emails. Spoken word is the same. Once you have said it it is public property.


I disagree. Unless you are filmed or recorded saying something, reported speech is highly unreliable (Chinese whispers!) And even if you do say something indiscreet it is always easy to deny or put a different spin on it. Unless you can prove that you've been hacked, it is very difficult to deny something that is there in black & white in an email or on a facebook page.

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I disagree. Unless you are filmed or recorded saying something, reported speech is highly unreliable (Chinese whispers!) And even if you do say something indiscreet it is always easy to deny or put a different spin on it. Unless you can prove that you've been hacked, it is very difficult to deny something that is there in black & white in an email or on a facebook page.


Disagree with what? The only point I am making is that once you have told somebody something, there is not much you can do to stop them telling somebody else.

Edited by drolnhoj
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I disagree. Unless you are filmed or recorded saying something, reported speech is highly unreliable (Chinese whispers!) And even if you do say something indiscreet it is always easy to deny or put a different spin on it. Unless you can prove that you've been hacked, it is very difficult to deny something that is there in black & white in an email or on a facebook page.


Roseanne Barr has paid an enormous price for a racist Twitter rant. ABC network cancelled her re boot of the old TV show Roseanne, even her agency has severed all ties with her. When will people learn to keep their " virtual" traps shut? She did delete the post a few hours after making it, but too late, her reputation is shot forever.Look at Trump, he can't keep his twitter gob shut at all, it will be his downfall, eventually.

Edited by Ontarian1981
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The only point I am making is that once you have told somebody something, there is not much you can do to stop them telling somebody else.


That is true but whether they are believed depends on how honest they are seen as and how persuasive you are at denying it or painting it in a different light. Not so easy with a letter, email or facebook post.

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That is true but whether they are believed depends on how honest they are seen as and how persuasive you are at denying it or painting it in a different light. Not so easy with a letter, email or facebook post.


I accept that.

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Yes, maybe it should be. BUT its their choice if they are posting something on thier own volition, or are directly involved or are the valid recepient of something.


By the very topic of this thread, you yourself could be deemed guilty of exactly the same thing.


After all, this public forum full of strangers who all now know about and are giving opinion on your family fued and grievance over someone else's personal facebook postings.


With the exception of hiding behind the secrecy of a username is what you have done here really any different to the actions of your relative(s)?


I'd say yes and no. Yes because while I am sharing it on the internet, no it's near impossible to have any real life consequences for me or anyone else involved. To me, this is the difference. My dad sharing the email I sent to him, has had real life consequences for all involved.


Ftr, he is now backpedaling and saying this other family member read it over his shoulder. The troublemaker is saying it was forwarded to them. It doesn't matter, the damage is done.


To me, the situation is like this:let's say I send you a letter. As far as I know, I sent the letter to YOU. I then get a scathingly nasty reply back not from you, but from another person! :confused:


Yes, you are free to send my letter on to whomever, but I am gobsmacked (love that word!) that someone who has nothing to do with this matter at all, sees fit to send me their unsolicited, unwanted opinion.


It's sort of like, how can an adult not realize that:


A. If I wanted you to know I would have told you myself.


B. Wanted your advice or opinion I would have asked you for it.


Not to mention they got it a55 backwards, put their own spin on it and are likely repeating their own version to all and sundry...which is the reason we didn't tell them in the first place.


My father knows this all too well as he's had his own troubles with them in this area.

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