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The biggest killer of men under 45

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Shocking isn't it? Not fast cars, not drugs, not dangerous sports, not cancer, not war.


Suicide. Hanged, suffocated, strangulated, poisoned, fell, drowned, shot, stabbed. The biggest killer of young men and something that's studiously ignored by almost all of us until it gets one of us that we know.


My male suicide count is 3, female 1, what's yours? What's to be done to help young men stay alive and thrive in society?

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Thankfully my personal experience of suicide is low.


Mental health and in particular male mental health is chronically under funded and little discussed.


Without extra funding I'm not sure how it can be better handled.

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The suicide rate for young men is appalling and there needs to be more done to help men in need. We need more awareness for mental health issues and remove the stigma around mental health so that men are able to talk through their issues without being judged and get the help they need whether that is medication, therapy or both. It's OK to not be OK..


My count is 2 females, 1 man.


So sad :(

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I was shocked when I heard this statistic. I’d have said car crashes if I had to guess. (I recall reading that the most common cause of death for young women was as a passenger - I don’t know if that was true or if it still is).


Is suicide in young(ish) men a recent phenomenon? I’m in my 60s, but don’t remember it being regarded as an issue at any time - unless it happened a lot but was never discussed.


As a youth, the only one I ever heard of was the husband of a friend of my mother. I don’t know his age, but probably around the 45 mark. This was probably 50 years ago. He had gambling problems up to his suicide. I remember there was very little sympathy shown towards what he must have been going through. Plenty of concern for his wife and kids, which was correct, but nothing but blame towards him.


But luckily (for me), no further personal contact on any level, since then, so this latest statistic was truly a shock.

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I suppose it's a testament to improved public health and public safety, but it is an area that most people aren't particularly aware of (although I've seen it going around on facebook for a few years now, so awareness must be increasing).

I don't know what if any root cause analysis has been done, for example does it disproportionately affect one area of society, does being poor increase the risk, or rich? Does education level affect the risk, or perhaps ethnicity, or even location (rural/urban, north/south, etc)...

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I suppose it's a testament to improved public health and public safety, but it is an area that most people aren't particularly aware of (although I've seen it going around on facebook for a few years now, so awareness must be increasing).

I don't know what if any root cause analysis has been done, for example does it disproportionately affect one area of society, does being poor increase the risk, or rich? Does education level affect the risk, or perhaps ethnicity, or even location (rural/urban, north/south, etc)...


ALL the above..


Depression does not discriminate..

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I suppose it's a testament to improved public health and public safety, but it is an area that most people aren't particularly aware of (although I've seen it going around on facebook for a few years now, so awareness must be increasing).

I don't know what if any root cause analysis has been done, for example does it disproportionately affect one area of society, does being poor increase the risk, or rich? Does education level affect the risk, or perhaps ethnicity, or even location (rural/urban, north/south, etc)...


I think it's really hard to pin down. I recall a spot in South Wales having a problem but I also read an deprived area in South Wales and a ridiculous number of people on anti depressents - 1 in 5 or something. But wealthy actors etc commit suicide and have done since the year dot.

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I'm only shocked that people are surprised by this statistic


Too many men have fell through the gaps, many have no chance of getting meaningful employment that could help them to give them purpose in life


More and more men spend their teens on the computer (internet/xbox) and so will become very isolated and lonely as they get older



You look at the current generation of 20 something men, and to me they look lost and without direction.


I sadly believe that in 20 years time the suicide rate will rocket among many men over the age of 30



When you get to a certain age and your best years are behind you, and you have no prospects that things will improve, then its hardly suprising that male suicide is on the up

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