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The biggest killer of men under 45

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Asking for help when depressed is hard enough - accepting that you need help is the first problem. But then trying to get an appointment with a GP these days is almost impossible. I have tried this morning to make an appointment online. Apparently there are not GP ring back appointments available for the whole of next week :o. This is before I can get to see anyone face to face.

I am recently bereaved and have tried to access the bereavement counseling service - there is a 4 month waiting list.

Fortunately I'm not suicidal but if I were I probably wouldn't be posting on here now.

The whole system is a disgrace.


Darling, try the Samaritans. You don't have to be suicidal, they are trained in counselling and will listen.


And do make that appointment with your doctor, no matter how long it takes. (There's also a drop in centre in town where you can see a doctor on the day, if you don't mind a long wait.)


But I agree, the whole system is a disgrace.

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I agree in that addiction sneaks up on people, and ultimately can cause great distress, but drug/alcohol use does not necessarily lead to addiction. I think there are many more reasons for suicide than addiction, or even drug use.


A lot of young people seem to have lost all hope for the future and sink into depression, these are the ones who may then self medicate with alcohol and drugs. It's a chicken or egg situation.


But the real concern for me is why young people are losing hope to the point where they want to commit suicide.




Lets be honest for any young person now


The chances of them enjoying the things that the current 40 somethings took for granted is slim.


I think when you've lost all hope in life then you cannot carry on, hence the reason suicides are going up


I can only see this increasing as the years go by as younger people become older


And sadly I believe in 30 years time assisted suicide will become available within this country and I would imagine many people approaching retirement may consider this option, especially those people who have barely enough money to survive


The NHS is collapsing and won't be able to cope with the size of the problems society will have in 30 years time

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The NHS is being deliberately underfunded in order to give the impression that it's unsustainable by the tories.


Yes I agree.


---------- Post added 03-06-2018 at 18:07 ----------


Lets be honest for any young person now


The chances of them enjoying the things that the current 40 somethings took for granted is slim.


I think when you've lost all hope in life then you cannot carry on, hence the reason suicides are going up


I can only see this increasing as the years go by as younger people become older


And sadly I believe in 30 years time assisted suicide will become available within this country and I would imagine many people approaching retirement may consider this option, especially those people who have barely enough money to survive


The NHS is collapsing and won't be able to cope with the size of the problems society will have in 30 years time


And I agree with all this too.


But it isn't inevitable. We had to fight for it, and the next generation will have to fight for it all over again. Start at the ballot box and get rid of this terrible self serving, neo-liberal government.


The money is there, but it's in the wrong hands. Privatisation only looks for profits for the few. To try and make money out of the weakest and most vulnerable is abhorent. The neo-liberals care not one jot about the impact of their actions as long as the shareholders pockets stay well stuffed. That has to change.


The world is changing radically. With all the new technology etc it should be changing for the better for everyone, but that's just not happening. People are beginning to realise that unless they are in the top 1% their lives are going to be pretty damn miserable. And that's going to be most of us.


Unfortunately that top 1% control everything and want to keep it that way. They will do everything in their power to convince us that it's our fault, and we, poor saps, fall for it everytime. The Establishment will lie, cheat and steal, missinform and propagandise to hold onto power, and then try to convince us that it's us that's wrong to want any different.


Don't fall for it and start fighting back.

Edited by Anna B
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Yes I agree.


---------- Post added 03-06-2018 at 18:07 ----------



And I agree with all this too.


But it isn't inevitable. We had to fight for it, and the next generation will have to fight for it all over again. Start at the ballot box and get rid of this terrible self serving, neo-liberal government.


The money is there, but it's in the wrong hands. Privatisation only looks for profits for the few. To try and make money out of the weakest and most vulnerable is abhorent. The neo-liberals care not one jot about the impact of their actions as long as the shareholders pockets stay well stuffed. That has to change.


The world is changing radically. With all the new technology etc it should be changing for the better for everyone, but that's just not happening. People are beginning to realise that unless they are in the top 1% their lives are going to be pretty damn miserable. And that's going to be most of us.


Unfortunately that top 1% control everything and want to keep it that way. They will do everything in their power to convince us that it's our fault, and we, poor saps, fall for it everytime. The Establishment will lie, cheat and steal, missinform and propagandise to hold onto power, and then try to convince us that it's us that's wrong to want any different.


Don't fall for it and start fighting back.



Disagree with your first paragraph


People in their 40s and 50s didn't fight for anything we inherited what was given to us from previous generations who fought for our freedoms


It's the political class that caused this mess

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Disagree with your first paragraph


People in their 40s and 50s didn't fight for anything we inherited what was given to us from previous generations who fought for our freedoms


It's the political class that caused this mess


I'm not talking about those fighting in wars, grateful as I am to those wonderful people, I'm talking about fighting for other rights, which has continued throughout the 20th century. i've been on a few marches myself in my younger days. Margaret Thatcher was very canny putting in place legislation which neutered public protest in the 80's


I never thought that things like 'free' education, healthcare, social services, libraries, and myriad other services would ever be so under threat as they are now. (And Mental health is the poor relation of an already stretched to breaking point NHS. We are going backwards.


And don't let the Tories con you with talk of reducing the debt etc. It's bigger than it ever was, yet they always seem to find the odd million down the back of the sofa when it suits them.


This is all about deliberately impoverishing the poor (and soon most of us will be in that catagory,) to enrich the already seriously wealthy and advantaged.

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Yes I agree.


---------- Post added 03-06-2018 at 18:07 ----------



And I agree with all this too.


But it isn't inevitable. We had to fight for it, and the next generation will have to fight for it all over again. Start at the ballot box and get rid of this terrible self serving, neo-liberal government.


The money is there, but it's in the wrong hands. Privatisation only looks for profits for the few. To try and make money out of the weakest and most vulnerable is abhorent. The neo-liberals care not one jot about the impact of their actions as long as the shareholders pockets stay well stuffed. That has to change.


The world is changing radically. With all the new technology etc it should be changing for the better for everyone, but that's just not happening. People are beginning to realise that unless they are in the top 1% their lives are going to be pretty damn miserable. And that's going to be most of us.


Unfortunately that top 1% control everything and want to keep it that way. They will do everything in their power to convince us that it's our fault, and we, poor saps, fall for it everytime. The Establishment will lie, cheat and steal, missinform and propagandise to hold onto power, and then try to convince us that it's us that's wrong to want any different.


Don't fall for it and start fighting back.


So true Anna.. always agree with your posts.

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I dont live in a world where I have to rely on looking it up on the computer for anything, but you are WRONG anyway as has already been pointed out.


Did you miss the bit where all the evidence showed that your guess was in fact wrong?


---------- Post added 03-06-2018 at 22:17 ----------


I'm not talking about those fighting in wars, grateful as I am to those wonderful people, I'm talking about fighting for other rights, which has continued throughout the 20th century. i've been on a few marches myself in my younger days. Margaret Thatcher was very canny putting in place legislation which neutered public protest in the 80's


I never thought that things like 'free' education, healthcare, social services, libraries, and myriad other services would ever be so under threat as they are now. (And Mental health is the poor relation of an already stretched to breaking point NHS. We are going backwards.


And don't let the Tories con you with talk of reducing the debt etc. It's bigger than it ever was, yet they always seem to find the odd million down the back of the sofa when it suits them.


This is all about deliberately impoverishing the poor (and soon most of us will be in that catagory,) to enrich the already seriously wealthy and advantaged.


Odd million, they found £1.2billion as a bung to the DUP to basically buy themselves a majority to form a government.

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Did you miss the bit where all the evidence showed that your guess was in fact wrong?


---------- Post added 03-06-2018 at 22:17 ----------



Odd million, they found £1.2billion as a bung to the DUP to basically buy themselves a majority to form a government.


Exactly. Pretty disgusting.


I just can't understand why others can't see what's happening. Talk about Turkeys voting for Christmas. How bad do things have to get before the penny drops.

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