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'Prom nights' and other USA imports

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As an American, I have to ask, why? Why do other countries adopt our worst habits? Customs? Trends? Good Lord. Lousy fast food chains, crappy overpriced Starbucks coffee. And oh,

. How can you have Black Friday if you don't have Thanksgiving? I guess there's just something about bargains that makes people lose their minds. This is crazy.


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It's the "Americanisation" of the world, if that's even a word.


Hallowe'en has been around for hundreds of years; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trick-or-treating


But I get what you mean about the commercialising of it, which is what the US does best really...finding ways to make money from something.

It just sucks that the more annoying parts of it get imported over here, like the Prom Night BS


Coca Colonisation of the world it used to be called


---------- Post added 13-06-2018 at 07:23 ----------


As an American, I have to ask, why? Why do other countries adopt our worst habits? Customs? Trends? Good Lord. Lousy fast food chains, crappy overpriced Starbucks coffee. And oh,
. How can you have Black Friday if you don't have Thanksgiving? I guess there's just something about bargains that makes people lose their minds. This is crazy.




Agreed we used to have «* gunman*» now we have «* shooter*», fortunately «* dissing me*» seems to have fallen out of usage.


---------- Post added 13-06-2018 at 07:27 ----------


At about 16 years old nearly all children move on to a different form of education which means they go their separate ways.

They have just finished a year of exam pressure.

Its an end of term do, controlled by the school.


Kids love it.


The amount of good will shown to each other at this time is inspiring. The dressing up effort is just part of the ritual.


In days of black and white when children left at different ages leaving was chaotic and often unpleasant.


I remember, vaguely, just walking out through the gate and that was it. Don’t believe I’ve ever seen anyone from school, ever since, and that was 48 years ago. Pretty undemonstrative me

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Well expect an increase in 'Day of the Dead' festivals imported from Mexico.


All Souls/Saints is a great holiday in the Philippines too, easily the best one, but it will never take off in the UK.


it's a lot of fun to an extent, although it does get a bit tedious year after year when you are the ones that are expected to be in attendance at the cemetery for days on end. When it is a public holiday and there are other things you would prefer to be doing on your precious few days off work than that.


it's a Catholic celebration anyway. Protestant countries like the UK, USA, and Switzerland, etc, will never buy it.

Edited by blake
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As an American, I have to ask, why? Why do other countries adopt our worst habits? Customs? Trends? Good Lord. Lousy fast food chains, crappy overpriced Starbucks coffee.


It really began with the post-war period and the financial 'boom'. Hollywood (and later, television) exported a vision of the USA worldwide, in all it's glittering, automated glory, while people sat in the ruins of Europe (much of which was rebuilt by the USA) looking on in stupefaction.


All that's really happened is that British lousy fast food and undrinkable coffee has been replaced with American lousy fast food and drinkable coffee.


Attempts to get Brits to like American chocolate, however, have all failed.

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Ban American fast food, American films, American words, American Customs, News from America and anything being said or done by the US President and Britain would soon be an extremely good place to live in.

The Americanisms being used in Britain drive me up the wall.


Dude, guy, get across it, anytime soon, TV, we had the best time, for the longest time, I lost it someplace, I guess, someplace else, often times, can I get?, having a beer, calling 4 year old children 'guys', give it up for ......., starting every answer with the word 'so', from the get go, have a look see, kind of, right now, cool, 6am inTHE MORNING!!!, I'm all over this, 'looking out' for someone.


Every word, every phrase makes me gag!!

Stop it, there are equivalent English words and phrases we can all use, and the English versions actually make sense!!

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Ban American fast food, American films, American words, American Customs, News from America and anything being said or done by the US President and Britain would soon be an extremely good place to live in.

The Americanisms being used in Britain drive me up the wall.


Dude, guy, get across it, anytime soon, TV, we had the best time, for the longest time, I lost it someplace, I guess, someplace else, often times, can I get?, having a beer, calling 4 year old children 'guys', give it up for ......., starting every answer with the word 'so', from the get go, have a look see, kind of, right now, cool, 6am inTHE MORNING!!!, I'm all over this, 'looking out' for someone.


Every word, every phrase makes me gag!!

Stop it, there are equivalent English words and phrases we can all use, and the English versions actually make sense!!


Have a nice day Hots..Enjoy.

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Ban American fast food, American films, American words, American Customs, News from America and anything being said or done by the US President and Britain would soon be an extremely good place to live in.

The Americanisms being used in Britain drive me up the wall.


Dude, guy, get across it, anytime soon, TV, we had the best time, for the longest time, I lost it someplace, I guess, someplace else, often times, can I get?, having a beer, calling 4 year old children 'guys', give it up for ......., starting every answer with the word 'so', from the get go, have a look see, kind of, right now, cool, 6am inTHE MORNING!!!, I'm all over this, 'looking out' for someone.


Every word, every phrase makes me gag!!

Stop it, there are equivalent English words and phrases we can all use, and the English versions actually make sense!!

Mostly true! [Also see "New Year's", without any noun attachment]

But the thread was really intended to be about unnecessary importation of transatlantic events/activities, rather than merely sloppy linguistics.

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