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People being horrible for no reason

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Just driving home and going through lights onto Prince of Wales road, line of traffic going through but couldn't get cos someone had gone through lights on Prince of Wales road and got stuck in between, I was turning right so had to watch out for oncoming traffic, someone shouted watch out four eyes, oh I haven't heard that one before!! other drivers were yelling and swearing at the stuck car, why have people got to be so nasty!!!

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Sign of the times I think.


Good manners seem to be a thing of the past. Also stress levels seem to be going through the roof for a lot of people. Not that that's an excuse for being rude though, but it begins to explain it.

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I've been thinking the same thing Jillybabes. People are all too often unpleasant with each other. I wonder if it's a symptom of modern fast-paced living; people are often under a lot of pressue, money wise, work long hours at jobs they don't enjoy, and we're generally subject to a lot of unhealthy psychological pressure.

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I've been thinking the same thing Jillybabes. People are all too often unpleasant with each other. I wonder if it's a symptom of modern fast-paced living; people are often under a lot of pressue, money wise, work long hours at jobs they don't enjoy, and we're generally subject to a lot of unhealthy psychological pressure.


What gets my back up is when stood at a light and it changes and the guy behind is honking before you can pass your foot from the brake to the accelerator. A few years ago I was having not a particularly good day, when some guy starts incessant honking as I was about to set off. I got out of the car and stood staring at him for a few seconds, it must have seemed like hours to him because I am not a small man and he looked rather white. I, also could have sworn there was a smell of excrement in the air. lol I must add I never approached his car.

Edited by Ontarian1981
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On another note I also drive everyday but never seem to end up blocking junctions or getting stranded in box junctions.A lack of awareness and attention is usually to blame,but it is annoying if you keep missing your turn when the lights are on green because a car is blocking the junction.I have given a few hand signals to drivers who have blocked my passage at junctions just through not paying attention to the road.

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I was the last car (no cars behind me) through a very green temporary traffic light in a Lincolnshire village a few years ago. Unfortunately I was right behind a lorry that very very slowly did a left turn into a tight side street right in the middle of the roadworks. Needless to say I got verbals and hand gestures aplenty as I passed the queue of cars waiting at a now green light at the other end :roll:

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Just driving home and going through lights onto Prince of Wales road, line of traffic going through but couldn't get cos someone had gone through lights on Prince of Wales road and got stuck in between, I was turning right so had to watch out for oncoming traffic, someone shouted watch out four eyes, oh I haven't heard that one before!! other drivers were yelling and swearing at the stuck car, why have people got to be so nasty!!!


This never happens south of the Watford Gap

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