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Photography scam in Sheffield?

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Why has the name been removed? I really don't understand the moderation on this forum sometimes.



As soon as something is posted on a forum, that makes the forum owner jointly legally liable for the comments posted, and puts the forum owner in an impossible position because they cannot possibly have enough information to defend a comment made by another person in a civil court action. The only possible way that any forum can proceed is to only allow posts which they feel are not legally problematic, and to remove anything which is reported as contentious as soon as it is reported.



If you want freedom of speech then post things on a format where you alone bear the legal responsibility for anything you post. Any forum which allows full 'freedom of speech' simply hasn't had any legal issues yet.

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Well, I disagree with you on the legal specifics, many forums make it clear that posters are responsible for their own views and posts and that beyond a responsibility to react when informed of libel the forum is a publisher, not responsible for the posts or the views.

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Personally I really dont believe people fall for these pathetic scams.

TBH I just view them as another stupidity tax.


I can assure you that it does happen primarily through a load of technical stuff. a mate was cleaned out after one scumbag hacked into his account and set up an unauthorised payment

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I guess if you think it is a scam, you treat it as a scam. Everytime I get a call about the problem with my BT internet, which I don't have, they end up swearing at me and hanging up.


assuming I have the time I go through a charade with the "BT" internet starting off with shock horror that my internet has a problem and asking them all sorts of naive questions then having to get my lap top from upstairs then turning it on and explaining it takes a long time to start ("BT people" say this is part of the problem) then we go through the explanation of the control button the windows button and then the instruction to press the two buttons. This can if you drag it out take a good 10 minutes and when they ask what you see after pressing the buttons I say it tell me to inform the BT people to <removed> off. Don't know why but they always seem a bit upset


They always give a UK phone number on 1471 but usually different numbers each time. Pity Action Fraud and TPS sit back and twiddle their thumbs

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Or a dementia sufferer perhaps?


Or my wife, who has never used a mobile, laptop or computer and has no intention of using them.

We get the BT call a lot usually a Chinese Woman on the other side and I got a shouty bloke ring me saying not to use my car anymore as I was seen using my phone at the wheel. Obviously I'm smarter than they are because I told them politely to get lost but my wife was a bit more vulnerable good job I was there to educate her.

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assuming I have the time I go through a charade with the "BT" internet starting off with shock horror that my internet has a problem and asking them all sorts of naive questions then having to get my lap top from upstairs then turning it on and explaining it takes a long time to start ("BT people" say this is part of the problem) then we go through the explanation of the control button the windows button and then the instruction to press the two buttons. This can if you drag it out take a good 10 minutes and when they ask what you see after pressing the buttons I say it tell me to inform the BT people to <removed> off. Don't know why but they always seem a bit upset


They always give a UK phone number on 1471 but usually different numbers each time. Pity Action Fraud and TPS sit back and twiddle their thumbs


Have you had the ones who purport to be from Microsoft? I've not had one for quite some time now, used to enjoy the chats. Had one going for 45 minutes what with my none existent laptop freezing then dropping the line etc. oh happy times :cool:

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