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How come only white people are racist?

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They get killed because they resist the law,they run away when unquestioned ect,if they answered what the law asked they would not get killed you make it sound as though the police murder them just for the sake of it.


Did you even read the article? Do you watch the news at all?


---------- Post added 02-06-2018 at 10:16 ----------


I've lived in Sao Paulo and Joburg and learnt quickly if someone with a weapon asks for your money you give it them,same in USA,if a cop with a gun asks to search you,let him/her,you'll walk away alive.




Police officer asks for ID, black man reaches for the ID, police officer fatally shoots him.

So does complying guarantee that a white cop won't shoot a black person in the USA, no, not in the slightest.

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Problem with this thread, like many, is that it will be hijacked by people for political reasons.

There's your white supremacist 'type' i.e.. edl/bnp supporter who is on the lookout for any example of black people with a voice (Dianne Abbot; Luther King for example) and branding them racist, which they are not.


But then there is the do-gooder 'type' who insist that racism is almost always white on black, (look at history man!)

When in fact racism takes all types of guises and is prevalent in all walks of life.

Just look at how the British treated the Irish, as well as the Africans, Indians etc.,. Or how different ethnic groups commit genocide in places worldwide, past and present.

The whole concept of racism is wrong, but will always be used to control people.

As I said, it is education we need, not hijacking


Isn't part of he education bit, just being able to talk about it in a fair way?


Maybe your right though, and maybe the general membership of SF isn't up to the task of maturely debating this issue (to be fair, I am sure most are, it's just a minority), and the thread may or may not degrade and get closed, we'll see!...

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Did you even read the article? Do you watch the news at all?


---------- Post added 02-06-2018 at 10:16 ----------





Police officer asks for ID, black man reaches for the ID, police officer fatally shoots him.

So does complying guarantee that a white cop won't shoot a black person in the USA, no, not in the slightest.


Can we have a reply from DobbyUK on this please. I want to know if s/he still thinks 'they' just need to comply with police instructions to not be killed.


---------- Post added 02-06-2018 at 10:26 ----------


Exactly - good, you're starting to get it.


Yes, well put. This really is the point about racism isn't it. Black people in the US can be bigoted about white people or Koreans or Hispanic people or gays or Muslims or whatever, but they don't have a black-dominated power structure behind them, allowing them to do what they want and largely get away with it. To answer the OP, this is why some people reserve the term 'racism' for white bigots in a white-dominated country. I'm not entirely sure where I stand on that, but that is how some people see it.

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Shut happens sometimes things don't work out how they should,you have shown us one instance but how many black people comply and walk away alive?


Get with the programme dobby. If you're trying to claim that institutionalised racism doesn't exist in the US of A, have at it, fire away.

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Police officer asks for ID, black man reaches for the ID, police officer fatally shoots him.

So does complying guarantee that a white cop won't shoot a black person in the USA, no, not in the slightest.


He did not comply though. After telling the officer he had a firearm, he was told not to reach for it / don't pull it out; 3 times. The officer clearly thought he was reaching for a gun, not ID. I'm not saying any of this justifies shooting him; just that it's not as clear cut as you suggest.


I believe the advice for when stopped by police in the US, and you have a firearm; is to keep your hands on the steering wheel, announce you're carrying, and then only move if/as directed by the officer (who may ask where the firearm is, and retrieve it himself).


Also, police in the US do get shot at and killed. Not that that justifies them shooting and killing people, but you can see how it escalates the severity of the situation when the person you're dealing with announced they're armed, and ignores your instruction not to reach for it.


I'm thinking an instruction just to keep your hands on the steering wheel would have been more appropriate here. I imagine that the chap in the car heard "don't reach for it", and thought the officer meant "don't reach for your gun", which he wasn't doing. I can't help but feel a simple instruction in the positive (hands on steering wheel), could have prevent this.

Edited by Waldo
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I never hear of anyone who isn't white, being described as racist, or accused of racism. I'm curious, is racism something that only white people are capable of?


I guess minorities insulting the majority, it just bounces off. And its the white men in grey suits that are rich and powerfull.

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Shut happens sometimes things don't work out how they should,you have shown us one instance but how many black people comply and walk away alive?


The problem is that this stuff happens to black people disproportionately. There's Stephon Clarke, shot dead by police for being on his phone. Happen to white people much?

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