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How come only white people are racist?

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Get with the programme dobby. If you're trying to claim that institutionalised racism doesn't exist in the US of A, have at it, fire away.


Tell us how many police officers have been shot this year or are you just one way,racism exists all over the world and both ways,the article shown was over a year ago.

I'll tell you 21 in the 1st 17 weeks of 2018,would you be nervous if a blAck guy reached in his pocket,you wouldn't last 5 minutes in the job.

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To answer the OP, this is why some people reserve the term 'racism' for white bigots in a white-dominated country. I'm not entirely sure where I stand on that, but that is how some people see it.


That's a good point and I think it's certainly a factor as to why we find (in the UK) white on non-white racism more unacceptable than other forms of racism.


I'm thinking also of the historical context, white people have been in power for ca long time (in the western world) and generally pretty much abusive to non-whites. I'm wondering if there is some kind of collective guilt white people feel today, because of how some other white people treated non-white people in the past?

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I guess minorities insulting the majority, it just bounces off. And its the white men in grey suits that are rich and powerfull.




However, I as an individual am not rich and powerful. Is it more acceptable for me to be racist to a black chap who is richer than me, than it is for him to be racist to me?

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Ask pc Blakelocks family.


The riots in London at that time were a direct result of police racism against black people. That some black people took revenge on police doesn't disprove the racism. In this thread you are trying to deny institutional racism in the USA, a country founded on the genocide of native Americans by white Europeans, then built on slavery and followed by segregation. As far as I am concerned, that can only be attempted by a racist.

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Good question.


Off the top of my head; I'm thinking discrimination for or against a person, because of their race. Also, not holding all people to the same standard of behaviour, again, because of race.


I'm also thinking, and this is perhaps not direct racism, but, not being critical of a person from a different race; because you don't want to be percieved as racist. So, fear of others percieving their race being the reason for your critisism or dislike of them, rather than their behaviour.


---------- Post added 02-06-2018 at 00:01 ----------



Of course all lives matter. I don't think BLM, at all implies that *only* black lives matter. It's clearly a response to the growing number of shootings of innocent black people in the US, by their police; and to raise awareness of the issue etc.


I think you are right In so far as, you can criticise a white person for something but you can't criticise a black person for anything because you are accused of being raceist.

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I think you are right In so far as, you can criticise a white person for something but you can't criticise a black person for anything because you are accused of being raceist.


It's absolute nonsense that you can't criticise black people for anything. Ask Raheem Sterling.

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I think you are right In so far as, you can criticise a white person for something but you can't criticise a black person for anything because you are accused of being raceist.


Utter nonsense.

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I think you are right In so far as, you can criticise a white person for something but you can't criticise a black person for anything because you are accused of being raceist.


Yep, though I'm not sure that that in itself is racism. It's more to do with fear of being wrongly perceived as racist.

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