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How come only white people are racist?

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However, I as an individual am not rich and powerful. Is it more acceptable for me to be racist to a black chap who is richer than me, than it is for him to be racist to me?


I think they are equally unacceptable, I'm sure most people would agree. However, racial insults directed at you or me would probably have less impact than on someone who has experienced it as a pattern throughout their life.

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Good question.


Off the top of my head; I'm thinking discrimination for or against a person, because of their race. Also, not holding all people to the same standard of behaviour, again, because of race.


I'm also thinking, and this is perhaps not direct racism, but, not being critical of a person from a different race; because you don't want to be percieved as racist. So, fear of others percieving their race being the reason for your critisism or dislike of them, rather than their behaviour.

So, racial discrimination regardless of race or colour? Which would undermine your OP somewhat as 'skin colour' seems to be your main point. Just out of interest,

do you feel political correctness has created a double standard of- 'one rule for white people, no rules for none-white people? I know you'll correct me if this isn't the case but it does seem to be what you're implying?

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The riots in London at that time were a direct result of police racism against black people. That some black people took revenge on police doesn't disprove the racism. In this thread you are trying to deny institutional racism in the USA, a country founded on the genocide of native Americans by white Europeans, then built on slavery and followed by segregation. As far as I am concerned, that can only be attempted by a racist.


Show me where I have denied racism exists?you say it's only one way,totally wrong.

I'm saying if the blacks did as was asked they wouldn't have got shot.

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they arent


if you mean on here, cos theres far more right wing trolls than in normal life which skews things


---------- Post added 01-06-2018 at 21:29 ----------



oh come on look through history, 90% of it is white on black / ethnic


look at our empire, the french, spanish, dutch empires the indiginous peoples we subjugated, finding the americas, australia. look at south africa, the slave trade.

thats before we get onto smaller stuff like racist groups in the UK and US


You're focusing on Western History.

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Show me where I have denied racism exists?you say it's only one way,totally wrong.

I'm saying if the blacks did as was asked they wouldn't have got shot.


And people showed otherwise and you basically ignored them. And institutional racism does not go both ways, only one way.

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Show me where I have denied racism exists?you say it's only one way,totally wrong.

I'm saying if the blacks did as was asked they wouldn't have got shot.




Since when has the appropriate consequence for 'blacks not doing as they were told" been death?

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And people showed otherwise and you basically ignored them. And institutional racism does not go both ways, only one way.


So because I ignore people it makes me racist.


---------- Post added 02-06-2018 at 12:37 ----------


Since when has the appropriate consequence for 'blacks not doing as they were told" been death?


It could help save them,I also believe they would shoot a white guy in the same position.

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So because I ignore people it makes me racist.


---------- Post added 02-06-2018 at 12:37 ----------



It could help save them,I also believe they would shoot a white guy in the same position.


Ignoring people isnt racist its just ignorant. :loopy::hihi:

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