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5G : massive health threat?

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Hey Chicken Little - got any proof of anything yet....?


Judy Wood is a materials "scientist" - she's said it's some kind of ray but never says what it is, or how it works, or where it came from or how it dustified things.... She also never figured out why alternative theorys for the collapse like the well understood concept called "gravity" should be dismissed. Wood is not a leading expert in anything at all either....

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The WHO/International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) has

classified radiofrequency electromagnetic fields as possibly carcinogenic to humans.






I mean you will find that most things are POSSIBLY carcinogenic to humans because there is insufficient evidence proving unequivocally that they are not carcinogenic. IF you look at all the stuff that is possibly carcinogenic then most foodstuffs come into it. I mean alcohol is definitly carcinogenic - but most people drink large quantities of it and never get cancer from it. The IARC classifications need to be understood thoroughly.... After all the IARC doesnt have a classification that states something is NOT carcinogenic. So everything that they calssify can be waved round like a rag and used to claim duuuh cancerz....


After all that large radio source in the sky called the Sun has been there for many many millions of years blasting out radiowaves and that doesn't mean we all immediately get cancer on a hot July day from radiowaves. We might get cancer from UV of course instead....


I note from the report that they say the evidence for a link is "limited" for certain cancers and inadequate for others.

Edited by Obelix
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The WHO/International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) has

classified radiofrequency electromagnetic fields as possibly carcinogenic to humans. Specifically it is in their group 2B.


While many other things could be thought to be possibly carcinogenic, WHO sticks to those for which evidence has suggested causal connection, or association.


So, while listening to Barry Manilow records could be possibly carcinogenic, WHO has refrained from issuing a statement that it is, as there's nothing to suggest that it is.


Whereas WHO has issued the statement that classified radiofrequency electromagnetic fields as possibly carcinogenic to humans, because they think there is sufficient evidence to support that.


And while the IARC doesn't have a classification that states something is not carcinogenic, they do have Group 4 (probably not carcinogenic to humans), and they've not placed radiofrequency electromagnetic fields in group 4, but in group 2B (Possibly carcinogenic to humans).



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The WHO/International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) has

classified radiofrequency electromagnetic fields as possibly carcinogenic to humans. Specifically it is in their group 2B.



So it's in the same class as Aloe Vera or working as a carpenter or joiner, but a class lower than a barber / hairdresser.

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So it's in the same class as Aloe Vera or working as a carpenter or joiner, but a class lower than a barber / hairdresser.


You'd need to post links really.


In the case of carpentry, I believe WHO have wood dust as group 1- i.e. definitely carcinogenic to humans.


Which is good to know- it means that Health and Safety can insist on employers installing proper filtering equipment for those working in environments where wood dust is produced.

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