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5G : massive health threat?

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Make sure it is not allowed here ..


“The plans to beam highly penetrative 5G milliwave radiation at us from space

must surely be one of the greatest follies ever conceived of by mankind. There will be nowhere safe to live.” -Olga Sheean former WHO employee and author of ‘No Safe Place’

“It would irradiate everyone, including the most vulnerable to harm from radiofrequency radiation: pregnant women, unborn children, young children, teenagers, men of reproductive age, the elderly, the disabled, and the chronically ill.” —Ronald Powell, PhD, Letter to US FCC on 5G expansion



Tinfoil hat time

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Whereas WHO has issued the statement that classified radiofrequency electromagnetic fields as possibly carcinogenic to humans, because they think there is sufficient evidence to support that.


Thats not how it works. If you read the article you will find what they said was that there was an increase in glioma based on mobile phone use.


Thats all.


It could be many things. Perhaps those using mobile phones are more susceptible to glioma. Perhaps the mere fact of covering an earlobe with a phone for two hours a day causes it - even if it's turned off. Or maybe just holding a bit of wood there is sufficient. Maybe it's a bent arem that causes the problem and you dont have to hold anything there at all...


Almost everything is possibly a cause. Making the leap to postulating that it does cause cancer as you appear to be doing is disingenious and not helpful sadly.

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This thread is brilliant! I know the internet is supposed to be open and a resource for all but some people need to stay away from it.

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Don't usually comment on psycho-troll / * crolt .. posts however .. " gravity" as an explanation for the WTC1/2/7 - 267 stories , 1.2 million tons, 30 seconds timetable … collapse .. is something very special .. * crolt ...cretin / dolt .. cross ..

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Don't usually comment on psycho-troll / * crolt .. posts however .. " gravity" as an explanation for the WTC1/2/7 - 267 stories , 1.2 million tons, 30 seconds timetable … collapse .. is something very special .. * crolt ...cretin / dolt .. cross ..


Just imagine if there were people in the world who were skilled in Physics.


Then we could rely on their interpretation of events:rolleyes:

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