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Jahova's wittnesses- A sinister cult controlled by freemasons?

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On 09/01/2020 at 10:02, steve68 said:

I've just watched the film Apostasy set in the Northern England story about JWs when they shun even their own family members for straying from the rules.



That is true, my missuses family are "witnesses" and back before i knew the missus (31 years), her grandma and grandad, brothers etc shunned the missuses mum for years for not wanting to be part of it, get married, have kids etc outside it. Since ive known the missus though the families been fine with her, they got on ok again. They chilled out on the subject.

21 minutes ago, lottiecass said:

Religious money making scam , started by a conman and followed by idiots.

No it isnt, its not like the jesus army where they live there and hand over all their money to the common purse, im no expert on the inner workings but know a bit from what ive seen and heard from the missuses family to know that they have their own jobs, families, jobs, money, car, holidays etc etc, they live a normal life outside the kingdom hall...apart from celebrating christmases and birthdays etc

They DO do a lot for the religion though, they spend most if not all of their spare time working for it, including building the kingdom halls.

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On 09/01/2020 at 13:45, carosio said:

Should read "Jehova's"  one of the names of the old God of Israel.

No it's not.


The name Jehovah is an amalgamation of the Tetragammatron (YHWH) and the vowels from the phrase Adonai (which is translated from the Hebrew as my Lord) in somewhere between the 9th and the 12th century. 


It was first used widely as the name of God in the 16th Century. 


At the time of Jesus there was neither the letter, nor the phonetic 'J' in Hebrew so God literally cannot have been called Jehovah at that time. 


And this is why the easiest way to get rid of the Jehovah's Witnesses from your door is to present them with the facts and tell them that they're taking the Lord's name in vain. 


I'm blacklisted. 

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  • 4 months later...

It's a high-control group that my parents got suckered into in the 70s. They don't even teach the bible to their parishioners. They teach loyalty, obedience and faithfulness and instill these principles by guilt and peer pressure. They hate outside information and other opinions so you're not allowed to associate with outsiders. Witnesses basically enslave people by lying to them and making them believe that their free labor is serving the almighty creator.

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