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Biodiversity in Sheffield

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Well, here’s a bit of a shocker. As I was enjoying my leisurely stroll by the duck pond early yestereve, I noticed some good sized CARP rolling around the top. I turned down my ipod at this moment (got Linkin Park on you see) and exclaimed to myself, “Marvellous, marvellous!” Of course, I returned home to retrieve a cut loaf, which I took to the pond to feed the aforementioned CARP. Well, this is when things took a rather bizarre twist. Suddenly this bedraggled old man came rushing over, SCREAMING at me to stop feeding the ducks! I can assure you that I was only feeding the CARP with the bread, and NOT the ducks! As a rather handy darts player in my younger days, I was able to throw the bread tactically so that only the CARP would consume it. That guy was so rude to me though and just made assumptions about me without even listening to me. I felt threatened in my own village!

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Hiya Em. Good to see you on here again. Well, put it this way, a lot of my friends actually express their surprise when I tell them about my prolific tungsten prowess, but I can assure you that it is one hundred per cent truthful what I say. Ever heard of John Smiff’s beer? Well, they did a thing a few years back called the People’s Darts Finals. It was for casual players like me and guess what – I entered it and got to the 2nd round (proper fluke that I got drawn against Stephen in the first round, especially as he’d just bust his thumb falling over drunk in the Winter Gardens LOL!!!). So yeah, I was a bit of a dartist in my glory days!

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Congratulations on your darting achievements! Have you thought about entering one of them fishing competitions? You could just throw the maggot straight in to the fishes mouth and catch as many as you like. A talent like that shouldn't be wasted and There could be some prize money in it for you.

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Congratulations on your darting achievements! Have you thought about entering one of them fishing competitions? You could just throw the maggot straight in to the fishes mouth and catch as many as you like. A talent like that shouldn't be wasted and There could be some prize money in it for you.


Good evening Miffy. That is an excellent idea and I hadn't even thought about it. I've seen them fishing programmes with that former soldier guy from the telly, Robson Jerome. I reckon I could bring the darts skills to the world of fishing. Just ordered a book off Amazon by some guy called J.R. Hartley so I should be an expert in no time.


Is there a 'Buying Maggots in Sheffield' megathread or should I start one?

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Good evening Miffy. That is an excellent idea and I hadn't even thought about it. I've seen them fishing programmes with that former soldier guy from the telly, Robson Jerome. I reckon I could bring the darts skills to the world of fishing. Just ordered a book off Amazon by some guy called J.R. Hartley so I should be an expert in no time.


Is there a 'Buying Maggots in Sheffield' megathread or should I start one?



Good evening to you. I hope you find the book helpful. Maybe one day you will be writing a book or have your own tv show to introduce your unique talents to the world. For now a maggot megathread sounds like an excellent idea.

Happy fishing and darting.

P.s keep focused, you don't want to be throwing darts at the fish or maggots at the dart board, it could get messy.

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