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How to use social media: a masterclass

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Ok, so I think this post is going to contain some suprising statements.


One of the people who uses social media in the most positive ways, i.e. in order to learn about things he doesn't know much about, rather than just sit in an echo chamber exchanging mindless nonsense with likeminded people, is ex-Everton and Wales goalkeeper Neville Southall. There's two for starters. He says "I like Twitter because it brings me into contact with people I'd never meet" unlike 98% of people who use Twitter.


It turns out that Big Nev (slightly bigger than before, it must be said) regularly hands his Twitter feed over to give a platform to people who have little power and not much of a voice, including people with mental health problems, sex workers and LGBT people. There's another.


Nev now works in a pupil referral unit that offers education to kids excluded from mainstream school. And another.


He despises Piers Morgan (ok, that one's fairly standard) and hopes that a footballer feels able to come out as gay soon.


He is a legend, and here is his Twitter feed https://twitter.com/NevilleSouthall?ref_src=twsrc%5Egoogle%7Ctwcamp%5Eserp%7Ctwgr%5Eauthor


and a great interview https://www.theguardian.com/sport/2018/jun/04/neville-southall-flak-sex-workers-lgbt-issues

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