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Amey are going to tow my car tomorrow

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I’ve just had a message from a neighbour, telling me that Amey have just put up notices on our road saying that they are doing the drains tomorrow. The notice also says that parked cars will be towed.


I’m on holiday at the moment and my car is parked in front of my house. So a council agent is going to remove it giving less than 24 hours notice.


Does anyone have any experience of this, or any opinions?


Obviously, I’m none too pleased, but I’m not sure what I can do about it.

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Quite sure they legally can't just give less than a days notice and charge you for recovery.


You sure the notification only went up today?


Think I read someone else had this issue and they towed it round the corner and put a note through the letterbox saying where it was.

Edited by EmmaJones76
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If things are as you say (24 hrs) and if it's an emergency ..... then surely it must be a 'lift, clean, replace' scenario. If they're going to charge the usual 'handling charges' then something is not right. But, we are talking Amey!!!!

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Does anyone have any experience of this, or any opinions?


I'd seriously suggest you seek proper legal advice on this. There was a case a number of years back where a doctor was on holiday while her road was being done. Not only was her car towed away but as it wasn't claimed after a certain period it was crushed and a number of confidential medical records were destroyed.


Naturally she went bananas when she found out and was prepared to sue everyone involved. To her horror, she discovered that the council contractors were legally allowed to do this as the council had given the regulation notice to residents of the road.


Seek legal advice!

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Thanks for the replies. I don’t know much really. I’ve been sent a photo of the yellow notice which went up this morning. It all seems quite draconian to me.


I’m currently trying to get a reply via twitter, but.... it is Amey

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If they do tow your car away, you'll initially have to pay to get it released, but you'll (eventually) be able to claim the money back if your car was parked before the signs went up and it didn't move in the meantime (they supposedly take photos of the street at the time they put the signs up).

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Amey own Sheffield now. They've let a bull loose in a china shop.:( When they resurfaced my road/pavements they put notices up declaring 'no parking for 7 days'. I ended up 'not parking' for three weeks.

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Amey own Sheffield now. They've let a bull loose in a china shop.:( When they resurfaced my road/pavements they put notices up declaring 'no parking for 7 days'. I ended up 'not parking' for three weeks.

did you have to drive around the streets without stopping?

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Blame our wonderful council


No, blame Thatcher's first government for forcing councils to hand the work out to the many Tory Party donors in the construction industry.


1980: Compulsory competitive tendering (CCT) first introduced for construction, maintenance and highways work by the Local Government , Planning and Land Act 1980.
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