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Sheffield's New Lord Mayor - Magid Magid

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well now tell me what a somalian refugee at 28 years of age got to offer....


Yeah why doesn't someone tell him that "his lot" are supposed to come over here and not integrate so we can moan about them not integrating. So it's a damn cheek coming over here and integrating :hihi:

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My fear is that the far left will attempt to claim him as being one of their own, which of course he isn’t. As a fellow Green supporter I fully appreciate that we tend to get shoeholed by both the right and left, into places that we don’t wish to go, I hope that he realises this.

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I wouldn't call that abuse. Paul Wake is expressing an opinion that's all. It may well be a very ill-informed opinion but I think it is quite far from abuse.


Its not the only example, others have been much worse.


Sheffield's new Lord Mayor Magid Magid determined to push on representing city despite racist abuse



Even the coolest mayor in the country has to put up with racist knuckle draggers


Edited by alchresearch
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well now tell me what a somalian refugee at 28 years of age got to offer and what credentials to hold office apart from the PC angle?? as for how he was dressed is disrespectful to the office.


Ha ha!


I bet you'd love to go back to the Red Riding times of the 1970s where 90% of councillors were overweight, white men wearing shiny, ill fitting suits whose idea of civic duty was to take a bung to sort planning approval for their mates.

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Why? It isnt the 1850s any more you know.


But as we're approaching 180 years that the role has been around, while times, people & society change, surely the role itself deserves to be treated with a bit of dignity?


Presumably if you're Lord Mayor & you turn up at some event, you would expect a greeting of 'Afternoon Mr / Madam Mayor', not someone looking at you & saying, 'Thanks for turning up, mate'?

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But as we're approaching 180 years that the role has been around, while times, people & society change, surely the role itself deserves to be treated with a bit of dignity?


Presumably if you're Lord Mayor & you turn up at some event, you would expect a greeting of 'Afternoon Mr / Madam Mayor', not someone looking at you & saying, 'Thanks for turning up, mate'?


Not everyone is comfortable with formalities. I would more than certainly prefer the latter.

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Presumably if you're Lord Mayor & you turn up at some event, you would expect a greeting of 'Afternoon Mr / Madam Mayor', not someone looking at you & saying, 'Thanks for turning up, mate'?


it would take you all of 10 seconds to google 'magid magid' and you can see photo's of him dressed in all the traditional frilly lace and tricorn, or a modern suit, or a sensible jumper.


he poses for a few photos wearing a t-shirt and some baggy trousers, and some people's heads explode.


and listen to him talk, he's thoroughly polite and respectable.

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Absolutely disgusted by some of the comments and letters written about the lord mayor.


I found it particularly sad that in a week when we lost Brendan Ingle, someone Sheffield is rightly proud of and you guessed it, an immigrant - some folk thought it acceptable to have a go at the lord mayor for his background.


Had the chance to meet the guy a few weeks ago at an event and what a thoroughly decent human being he is.


He's probably already connected with more young people than most lord mayors and has helped raised Sheffield's profile, in my opinion in a positive way.

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