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Sheffield's New Lord Mayor - Magid Magid

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Explain - if you able - what he's done that's disgraceful. (Please try and come up with something less pathetic than his hat or green shoes.)


Explain also, what you think he's said or done to merit being sacked - and again, no hats or shoes please.


Embarrassment? The only people likely to be embarrassed are petty minded bigots - as this thread amply demonstrates.


I've said it already few times here - his actions (or let's say words) are inconsistent. He is divisive. And I personally don't like his rhetoric now.


Having said that, I don't think he should resign or be sacked. He's been (somewhat) elected as previous Lord Mayors so let him be. But I also reserve my right to criticize him and express my likes/dislikes whenever I want.


Also, you've said that he doesn't have to fulfill expectations of others. I agree, so please, let the others criticize him too and don't label them immediately as bigots just because YOU don't like their opinion.

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Guest makapaka
Hasn`t this clown been sacked yet ?


He is an utter disgrace and an embarrassment to Sheffield.


The clown that came over from Somalia with his mother and siblings, went to Fir Vale School, became a mountaineer, graduated with a degree in marine biology, became an elected councillor and then became Lord Mayor of Sheffield?


If he's a clown god knows what that makes the majority of the rest of the population.


---------- Post added 11-07-2018 at 08:51 ----------


I've said it already few times here - his actions (or let's say words) are inconsistent. He is divisive. And I personally don't like his rhetoric now.


Having said that, I don't think he should resign or be sacked. He's been (somewhat) elected as previous Lord Mayors so let him be. But I also reserve my right to criticize him and express my likes/dislikes whenever I want.


Also, you've said that he doesn't have to fulfill expectations of others. I agree, so please, let the others criticize him too and don't label them immediately as bigots just because YOU don't like their opinion.


It's because it's not really opinion with any justification so it's there to be challenged - for example - in what way is he divisive?

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The clown that came over from Somalia with his mother and siblings, went to Fir Vale School, became a mountaineer, graduated with a degree in marine biology, became an elected councillor and then became Lord Mayor of Sheffield?


I think you've found why they hate him - he's actually done something with his life, whereas some of these people on here were born here, did very little here and will die here.

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The clown that came over from Somalia with his mother and siblings, went to Fir Vale School, became a mountaineer, graduated with a degree in marine biology, became an elected councillor and then became Lord Mayor of Sheffield?

If he's a clown god knows what that makes the majority of the rest of the population.


---------- Post added 11-07-2018 at 08:51 ----------



It's because it's not really opinion with any justification so it's there to be challenged - for example - in what way is he divisive?



He has achieved much more than I ever did. Fair play to him.



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He came to my kids school yesterday to present certificates and my mrs and kids had a photo took with him. In the photo he is holding my 2yr old in his arms and being his usual cheery self.

My mrs says he is a down to earth guy who was well received at the school.

All the haters can’t get over the fact that he has a different way of doing things in my opinion and for some I think his ethnic background is a problem.


---------- Post added 11-07-2018 at 13:05 ----------


I've said it already few times here - his actions (or let's say words) are inconsistent. He is divisive. And I personally don't like his rhetoric now.


Having said that, I don't think he should resign or be sacked. He's been (somewhat) elected as previous Lord Mayors so let him be. But I also reserve my right to criticize him and express my likes/dislikes whenever I want.


Also, you've said that he doesn't have to fulfill expectations of others. I agree, so please, let the others criticize him too and don't label them immediately as bigots just because YOU don't like their opinion.


What’s the problem with him? Somali immigrant does well and integrates into British society and yet some people still moan.

I hope the guy ends up in west minister one day and you never know he may one day become prime minister! ?

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I was all ready to say YES to this new Mayor....thinking he might be the breath of fresh air this city needs BUT after contacting him on a matter I believe he could help with I don't even get an acknowledgement....nothing, nada, zilch.


This guy put forward his agenda. The help needed was centred around an area of discrimination I believe he is passionate about.


So, is this new guy just there for the photo opportunities???? In which case he is not much good to Sheffield at all.


I must say I am disappointed....he could have responded with "I can't help you (but I know someone who can)"....or even a "Sod off". NOTHING.


That silence speaks volumes about his real intent!

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