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Sheffield's New Lord Mayor - Magid Magid

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i dont have an issue with his ethnicity or religion or even wearing a backwards cap and t shirt where appropriate my issue is he is a using the office of Lord Mayor as a route to becoming a Z list mini celebrity, i dont have a problem with his letter re: Orgreave but the writng makes him look like a buffoon.

the banning of Trump was stupid and may have given him column inches but made him look a buffoon, he anounced solidarity with Mexicans without mentioning how the governmnet treats its own citizens https://www.hrw.org/world-report/2018/country-chapters/mexico


also attempted a bike ride to the somme had an 'arm/shoulder injury' the day before the ride but miraculosly healed in time for the sharrow festival where he was waving his arms all over.

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Well, if you think he's treating the Lord Mayor role in contempt, it's only what everyone else feels about the role regardless of who the Mayor is; a waste of resources and a glorified ribbon cutter.


He can do what he wants as the Mayor for all I care as it doesn't affect me in any way, at least he is the only Mayor I can actually name.

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Donald trump was brought to the discussion by the lord mayor,as reported by bbc news on the 4th of july.

The mayor tweeted majid majid lord mayor and first citizen of this city hereby declare that not only is Donald j trump a wasteman but he is henceforth banned from the great city of Sheffield.

the council reply in the same article says he does not have the power to ban anyone from the city,

whether you support trump or not is irrelevant to the discussion which is one of the actual power of the lord mayor verses his assumed power

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