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bus lanes in sheffield

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There was a thread about motorcycles in bus lanes some time ago. I'm not sure if the situation has changed since then.


I can’t remember for certain, but I think the old thread was before all the controversy about the legality of the sign at Hillsborough Corner, and penalties being subsequently cancelled. IIRC, it was necessary, in the end, to prohibit motorcycles once again.


(From what I remember, the signage had been designed in accordance with normal regulations. Despite that, an adjudicating body sided with offenders who had challenged their penalties. I think they decided that there was too much information on the sign, so the motorcycles had to be removed from the permitted vehicles on the sign.)


We could do with Planner 1 coming back on, to clarify the current situation.

Edited by Eater Sundae
Added a bit
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Unless it specifically says so on the sign the answer is no. It's a bus lane - therefore bus only. Many places though do let motorbikes (and taxis) use them but it has to be signed for you to be certainly safe from a fine.


This is incorrect.

The signs cost thousands to replace and eventually will have solo motorcycle symbols on when they are next replaced.

There used to be a helpful section on Sheffield council website explaining which bus gates solo motorcycles can use, but the website has been updated and I can't find the link

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This is incorrect.

The signs cost thousands to replace and eventually will have solo motorcycle symbols on when they are next replaced.

There used to be a helpful section on Sheffield council website explaining which bus gates solo motorcycles can use, but the website has been updated and I can't find the link


They've cunningly hidden it under a drop down section below the map HERE




Other vehicles using gates & lanes

Other vehicles can use the gates and lanes, including taxis, cycles and 'authorised' vehicles such as emergency services. No vehicles other than trams can use any of the 'tram only' facilities.


The following vehicles can use the listed lanes and gates below:


buses - no exceptions

taxis - bus lanes, prescribed and prohibited turns, bus or bus/tram gates except Peaks Mount at Waterthorpe, adjacent to Crystal Peaks bus station, on runways B, C and D within Sheffield Transport Interchange (STI), on STI runway E (unless holding a PTE pass)

pedal cycles - bus lanes, prescribed and prohibited turns, bus or bus/tram gates except on the runways within Sheffield Transport Interchange

solo motorcyles - bus lanes only

authorised vehicles - bus lanes, prescribed and prohibited turns, bus or bus/tram gates except on Peaks Mount at Waterthorpe, adjacent to Crystal Peaks Bus Station or on the runways within Sheffield Transport Interchange

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I can’t remember for certain, but I think the old thread was before all the controversy about the legality of the sign at Hillsborough Corner, and penalties being subsequently cancelled. IIRC, it was necessary, in the end, to prohibit motorcycles once again.


(From what I remember, the signage had been designed in accordance with normal regulations. Despite that, an adjudicating body sided with offenders who had challenged their penalties. I think they decided that there was too much information on the sign, so the motorcycles had to be removed from the permitted vehicles on the sign.)


We could do with Planner 1 coming back on, to clarify the current situation.


Nearly right.


The Traffic Penalty Tribunal Adudicator decided that the signing was not sufficiently clear and decided that a road marking was required in conjunction with the blue rounded regulatory sign.


There aren’t enough lines / characters that can be used on a roadmarking to cover all of the classes of vehicle that used to be exempt. Motorcycles were therefore removed from the exempt vehicles.


We therefore have the odd situation where motorcycles can use bus lanes, but not bus gates.


---------- Post added 05-06-2018 at 20:26 ----------


This is incorrect.

The signs cost thousands to replace and eventually will have solo motorcycle symbols on when they are next replaced.

There used to be a helpful section on Sheffield council website explaining which bus gates solo motorcycles can use, but the website has been updated and I can't find the link




Motorcycles aren’t automatically being allowed to use the bus gates again when the variable signs are replaced by fixed ones.


The variable signs at Glossop Rd bus gate have recently been replaced by fixed ones, but motorcycles have not been exempted.


The Council basically need to change the legal orders and signing at all the bus gates if that is the intention. They currently have no plans to do that.

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Does this mean that taxi's can make turns that are not allowed to general traffic? Ie ignore no left/right turn signs?


I'll stand to be corrected by someone with specific knowledge, but I think it only refers to conditional signs, i.e. "no right turn except buses"

I presume it's down to the specific wording of the TRO covering an individual junction.

I'm sure Planner1 could advise on the specifics.


e.g. at Glossop Rd

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