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House of Fraser to close 31 stores

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Its not us that should change our habits, the shops should become more competitive, if they continue to charge silly prices then they are doomed.


I fully agree. John Lewis is a major culprit for taking the michael they will be on the chopping block soon, so will Marks and sparks.:suspect:

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I fully agree. John Lewis is a major culprit for taking the michael they will be on the chopping block soon, so will Marks and sparks.:suspect:

apparently John Lewis is always mentioned on these articles for doing things right :thumbsup:

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I fully agree. John Lewis is a major culprit for taking the michael they will be on the chopping block soon, so will Marks and sparks.:suspect:


Some of the biggest rip offs are in the small shops at Meadowhall, they literally sell cheap tat you could buy for next to nowt off the internet and sell it as a premium quality product just by making the shop look Italian :hihi:

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It's a rare day I side with Tesco, but he's right on the money with business rates. I know a few small shops who are getting hammered.


Tesco boss blames business rates for retail woes http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-44404042

Where else were bankrupcy-nudging Councils going to find volume revenue at short-ish notice after No.11 turned the taps off?


It was as inevitable as Coucil tax hikes, and these are all merely symptoms -amongst so many others (ZHCs in particular)- of Britain’s overlong, low-wage low-growth economical ‘recovery’, which by now is really ‘spent economical momentum’.


Couldn’t start “life after Brexit” in a worse position, regrettably. But dem’s your apples.

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Where else were bankrupcy-nudging Councils going to find volume revenue at short-ish notice after No.11 turned the taps off?


It was as inevitable as Coucil tax hikes, and these are all merely symptoms -amongst so many others (ZHCs in particular)- of Britain’s overlong, low-wage low-growth economical ‘recovery’, which by now is really ‘spent economical momentum’.


Couldn’t start “life after Brexit” in a worse position, regrettably. But dem’s your apples.


Businesses dont pay council tax. Councils act as collectors for business rates which are set by central government and distributed by central government to try and equalise differences between richer and poorer areas.

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Businesses dont pay council tax.
I didn't mean to suggest that they did; business rates are not council tax.

Councils act as collectors for business rates which are set by central government and distributed by central government to try and equalise differences between richer and poorer areas.
Well, now they're going to try and equalise with 100% of zero in respects of 31 more local businesses. 31 more, amongst the dozens and more of anchor stores vanishing the length and breadth of the country this year and the last (M&S, Toys R Us, ...).
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The only retailers with shops that are likely to survive are those with linked websites.

They'll be better able than website-only retailers to cope with customer requirements., esp. once the website-only firms start charging for customer returns' postage etc.

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The only retailers with shops that are likely to survive are those with linked websites.

They'll be better able than website-only retailers to cope with customer requirements., esp. once the website-only firms start charging for customer returns' postage etc.


In my experience it’s far better to get rid of the shop, along with the shoplifters, the rent, the upkeep, the insurance and the rates, you then have a fighting chance of survival, sad that it is.

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