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North South Divide - When is Enough Enough?

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See this link i posted in the brexit thread



Depends where the divide is, but londons the richest in northern europe, quite a few of the poorest are in the "northern" half of britain, along with west wales and NI


Ironically though, some of the London boroughs are high in social deprevation. Tower Hamlets is regularly described as one of the poorest areas in the UK, while Hallam is generally described as one of the prosperous.


I often wonder if the £ per head figures are not a bit skew-whiffed in favour of the south because additional funds are ploughed into the poorest London boroughs with their large populations?


And it's not a new thing & the UK deprevation was already in place & got only worse during from the Blair days onwards, so Labour aren't entirely without blame.




As the above link from 2014 states: 'What is remarkable, perhaps, is that every other part of England (England, not the UK) has become relatively poorer since 1997.'

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What on earth is the point of building a runway where it's not needed? Robin hood doesnt even use it's existing runway to capacity why on earth would you build another where it's not needed?


Docks at Hull great... Where are all the goods going to go? Oh right - down to London. So why add docks there - why not add them in London where theya re needed? Otherwise it's just another unnecessary movement by rail, which will hinder development.


If you want to grow the North then it simple. Create jobs. There is no point adding infrastructure that isn't yet needed - you want to add infrastructure that creates jobs. Liverpool is reworking the old Littlewoods building - a new film studio. That creats jobs - and when that is booming *then* they will need more runway capacity at John Lennon airpory. Build a business park and an innovation/tech hub for the Universities to spin up starter companies - that creates jobs then you can build docks to move the stuff in...


Not working though is it? The North isn't growing.


Meanwhile London is all but saturated, bursting at the seams. It makes sense to transfer some of it up here. An international airport would create jobs, and make the North of England seem like a viable alternative to London and open for for business. Build it, and they will come...


Your way of thinking is what keeps all the business in London. I doubt many international businessmen have ever travelled further north than Watford Gap. They don't even realise the rest of the country is here. Without connectivity they aren't likely to want to stay. A railway, 30 years down the line, just isn't going to cut it.


We could be a hub for Northern Europe; the Scandinavian countries. Nor is there any reason why, with today's technology, London should hog all the action.

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Not working though is it? The North isn't growing.



Would any Northerners swap their Northern home for a London one? Surely its a better living standard in the North, once house prices are taken into account.

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Not working though is it? The North isn't growing.


Meanwhile London is all but saturated, bursting at the seams. It makes sense to transfer some of it up here. An international airport would create jobs, and make the North of England seem like a viable alternative to London and open for for business. Build it, and they will come...


Your way of thinking is what keeps all the business in London. I doubt many international businessmen have ever travelled further north than Watford Gap. They don't even realise the rest of the country is here. Without connectivity they aren't likely to want to stay. A railway, 30 years down the line, just isn't going to cut it.


We could be a hub for Northern Europe; the Scandinavian countries. Nor is there any reason why, with today's technology, London should hog all the action.


Firstly. we already have 7 international airports in "The North". If you include the Midlands that increases to 9 international airports. How many more do you want to build? How do you think that will go down with the environmentalist brigade who are already opposing expansion of the existing primary airports? Where do you think all these international travellers are going to come from? - lets face it outside of the budget flight holiday season the majority of the regional airports are dead.


Airports can take decades to be fully established. Manchester is the nearest equivillent to Heathrow we have in view of its multiple terminals, continuous traffic and some limited but frequent non-holiday footfall but even that if very small trade and took years to develop. Leeds Bradford is hardly thought about by anyone outside holiday charter flights despite being an established aerodrome LONGER than Manchester. Doncaster-Sheffield is no doubt good for our region and handy to have, but lets be realistic its barely much outside being a glorified bus stop for Thomson/Tui holiday passengers.


I would disagree that international businessmen dont know that there is life outside London. There are hundreds of organisations which have roots outside the Capital. Someone must be visiting them.


Just in our own city we have HQs from major companies including Spear & Jackson, B Braun, SIG, Arnold Laver, Ansys, Henry Boot, Outokumpu, Gripple, Swann Morton, Forgemasters, MJ Gleeson PLC.


We have large presences from the Department for Education, Department for Work and Pensions, UK Visa Section (Home Office), Greencore, Capita, HSBC, Lloyds Banking Group, Aviva PLC, Arconic, BT PLC, Sky, Virgin Media, Plusnet, and Santander.


I dont doubt that this needs building and we can be doing so much more. However, im not convinced another airport is going to somehow magically transform things.


Ultimately we can northshore business and offices all we want, in fact, many companies are becuase they are seeing the costs savings. HOWEVER, we can never forget that London is the capital. It always has and always will be the premier city getting the most investment and stay recognised the most by those outside the UK. Very little is going to change that.


I certainly dont think the UK is alone in that.

Edited by ECCOnoob
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Firstly. we already have 7 international airports in "The North". If you include the Midlands that increases to 9 international airports. How many more do you want to build? How do you think that will go down with the environmentalist brigade who are already opposing expansion of the existing primary airports? Where do you think all these international travellers are going to come from? - lets face it outside of the budget flight holiday season the majority of the regional airports are dead.


Airports can take decades to be fully established. Manchester is the nearest equivillent to Heathrow we have in view of its multiple terminals, continuous traffic and some limited but frequent non-holiday footfall but even that if very small trade and took years to develop. Leeds Bradford is hardly thought about by anyone outside holiday charter flights despite being an established aerodrome LONGER than Manchester. Doncaster-Sheffield is no doubt good for our region and handy to have, but lets be realistic its barely much outside being a glorified bus stop for Thomson/Tui holiday passengers.


I would disagree that international businessmen dont know that there is life outside London. There are hundreds of organisations which have roots outside the Capital. Someone must be visiting them.


Just in our own city we have HQs from major companies including Spear & Jackson, B Braun, SIG, Arnold Laver, Ansys, Henry Boot, Outokumpu, Gripple, Swann Morton, Forgemasters, MJ Gleeson PLC.


We have large presences from the Department for Education, Department for Work and Pensions, UK Visa Section (Home Office), Greencore, Capita, HSBC, Lloyds Banking Group, Aviva PLC, Arconic, BT PLC, Sky, Virgin Media, Plusnet, and Santander.


I dont doubt that this needs building and we can be doing so much more. However, im not convinced another airport is going to somehow magically transform things.


Ultimately we can northshore business and offices all we want, in fact, many companies are becuase they are seeing the costs savings. HOWEVER, we can never forget that London is the capital. It always has and always will be the premier city getting the most investment and stay recognised the most by those outside the UK. Very little is going to change that.


I certainly dont think the UK is alone in that.


I'd suggest Germany spreads it around it around a bit more, arguably Italy does too. And the US.

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People who fail at life and jealous of other people’s successes always seem to ram this so called north south divide issue as an excuse for their lack of wealth.


If only you worked harder at school eh?

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Firstly. we already have 7 international airports in "The North". If you include the Midlands that increases to 9 international airports. How many more do you want to build? How do you think that will go down with the environmentalist brigade who are already opposing expansion of the existing primary airports? Where do you think all these international travellers are going to come from? - lets face it outside of the budget flight holiday season the majority of the regional airports are dead.


Airports can take decades to be fully established. Manchester is the nearest equivillent to Heathrow we have in view of its multiple terminals, continuous traffic and some limited but frequent non-holiday footfall but even that if very small trade and took years to develop. Leeds Bradford is hardly thought about by anyone outside holiday charter flights despite being an established aerodrome LONGER than Manchester. Doncaster-Sheffield is no doubt good for our region and handy to have, but lets be realistic its barely much outside being a glorified bus stop for Thomson/Tui holiday passengers.


I would disagree that international businessmen dont know that there is life outside London. There are hundreds of organisations which have roots outside the Capital. Someone must be visiting them.



Just in our own city we have HQs from major companies including Spear & Jackson, B Braun, SIG, Arnold Laver, Ansys, Henry Boot, Outokumpu, Gripple, Swann Morton, Forgemasters, MJ Gleeson PLC.


We have large presences from the Department for Education, Department for Work and Pensions, UK Visa Section (Home Office), Greencore, Capita, HSBC, Lloyds Banking Group, Aviva PLC, Arconic, BT PLC, Sky, Virgin Media, Plusnet, and Santander.


I dont doubt that this needs building and we can be doing so much more. However, im not convinced another airport is going to somehow magically transform things.


Ultimately we can northshore business and offices all we want, in fact, many companies are becuase they are seeing the costs savings. HOWEVER, we can never forget that London is the capital. It always has and always will be the premier city getting the most investment and stay recognised the most by those outside the UK. Very little is going to change that.


I certainly dont think the UK is alone in that.


Some fair points, but I would argue that the small airports are more like bus shelters and even Manchester airport is a complete dump, and well past its sell buy date. Quite embarrassing really.


I just think a new, state of the art International airport would invigorate the North, create a good impression, and bring fresh business in.

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Some fair points, but I would argue that the small airports are more like bus shelters and even Manchester airport is a complete dump, and well past its sell buy date. Quite embarrassing really.


I just think a new, state of the art International airport would invigorate the North, create a good impression, and bring fresh business in.


If there were to be a new airport, where should it be built? Trying to get a consensus could take a very long time. We can't even get different bits of South Yorkshire to agree on a city region.

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Some fair points, but I would argue that the small airports are more like bus shelters and even Manchester airport is a complete dump, and well past its sell buy date. Quite embarrassing really.


I just think a new, state of the art International airport would invigorate the North, create a good impression, and bring fresh business in.


What sort of business? And "well, anything" I don't think is going to cut it. I'm loath to bring the B word into this but we are about to make things very much harder for businesses. What are we going to offer that somewhere like Ireland, let alone the monied south east of England, can't offer?

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