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Probably the three most unPC TV shows ever made, plus Benny Hill. Along with Alo Alo and Faulty Towers, probably the best six comedy shows ever made as well. Just my opinion, others may think differently.




What annoys me is these programmes where they get a third rate celebrity to make comments about comedy programmes from the seventies who then act shocked at some of the scenes.

It was of the time and the way most people thought and it was subject matter that folk enjoyed or they would not have been some of the most watched programmes on tv.


Fortunately we have all become educated to some degree and know these programmes cannot be made today and would quite rightly cause uproar if

they were.

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Probably the three most unPC TV shows ever made, plus Benny Hill. Along with Alo Alo and Faulty Towers, probably the best six comedy shows ever made as well. Just my opinion, others may think differently.




I saw the lady with the big boobies today, at least the show reflected real life :)


---------- Post added 11-06-2018 at 17:51 ----------


Quite a philosophical question the op has posted.


Does that make me a free thinker, or maybe I am just online too much :)

Edited by El Cid
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What annoys me is these programmes where they get a third rate celebrity to make comments about comedy programmes from the seventies who then act shocked at some of the scenes.

It was of the time and the way most people thought and it was subject matter that folk enjoyed or they would not have been some of the most watched programmes on tv.


Fortunately we have all become educated to some degree and know these programmes cannot be made today and would quite rightly cause uproar if

they were.

Coronation Street ,Emmerdale and East Enders are far worse than any of the previous mentioned programmes ever were.

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'All the Presidents Men'


It didn't form my views but it opened my eyes when I witnessed a left leaning politician getting all excited about how the different Politicians reacted to the pressure excerted by reporters Woodward and Bernstien.


He was getting off on the power and revealed his primary motivation. It didn't change my leftist views but I look at all Politicians with this in mind now.

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raised in Sheffield, I got to see none caucasians arriving in the city in the 1960s, from all over the commonwealth. At first there was some curosity about the differences, but I cannot remember seeing any intolerance from teachers, pupils or local adults. Yes many films were there as examples, incl. Lt. Uhura and Captain Kirk (I preferred Picard) , but the real life examples were the high value ones for me. And yes we had "Yobbos," but the bulk of the people(99%) for those first arrivals were decent, understanding and civlilized, as I would expect Sheffielders to be. This was my experience. Who you vote for should not affect your core values. Racial diversity and cultural acceptance is the key to cities and countries being able to move forward with equal opportunity and cohesion

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'Love of money corrupts, loads of money corrupts absolutely....'


These sort of people think they own the Universe. Probably got the money by being a ruthless SOB in the first place. Certainly doesn't care a hoot for anyone else's feelings.

I agree Anna and yet there are so many other influences which have made society and its individuals what they are today. The person in my example struck me as being from a relatively poor background.

My field of past expertise (now long ago) was politics, economics, business and management with a smattering of sociology and philosophy. Plus the fact that I grew up on a council estate.

Anyhow, it seems I won't get any more helpful views on this forum for now, so I'll stop asking.

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'Love of money corrupts, loads of money corrupts absolutely....'


These sort of people think they own the Universe. Probably got the money by being a ruthless SOB in the first place. Certainly doesn't care a hoot for anyone else's feelings.


Lord Acton - “Power tends to corrupt and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Great men are almost always bad men, even when they exercise influence and not authority; still more when you superadd the tendency of the certainty of corruption by authority.”



Interesting link allow a few minutes Anna.

Its not what I was expecting but there are many truths therein . . . . . as well as complicted stuff.

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