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Can mood swings occur BEFORE your first period

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My daughter is experiencing some mood swings.Mainly varying from crying to being ok to throwing tantrums(She NEVER has tantrums).She's 12 and complains of a funny feeling in her stomach and THINKS she's going to be sick.(last time she was sick was about 6 years ago).Although this mood shift is gradual its over a very short period of time.Maybe a month.When she cries she often says she doesn't know why she's crying.She's not had her first period yet but can these emotions occur BEFORE her first one?

Edited by breathless
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Have you considered that she might be having anxiety issues? It might be worth having a conversation with her about what is causing her mood swings. I'd also recommend getting advice from your GP rather than a forum.

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Have you considered that she might be having anxiety issues? It might be worth having a conversation with her about what is causing her mood swings. I'd also recommend getting advice from your GP rather than a forum.


She has ALWAYS had slight anxiety issues and is rather shy.We're seeing a GP this week but I was wondering if mood swings caused by hormones can come BEFORE her first period.

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Kids are put under huge pressure at school these days. Its entirely possible she has a genuine issue that she is concerned about but doesn't know how to tell you or anyone else or even know that it is causing the feelings she is experiencing.

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